How To Write Competitive Articles

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Now you have all the most important profitable keywords. You have your Topic of post ready. But now you will have to write the best article. So I will help you write the best article and competitive article.

Research your readers

  • Research What amazes your reader. If you want to write amazing articles.
  • People who comment their opinion on the article
  • Readers should decide which content is amazing

In simple words. If you want to make an awesome article. Then find out what your readers think is awesome.

So how do you find out?

It’s easy. Let me show you

  1. Using Alexa to find number and geo location
  2. Use Google Analytics to find your most visited article
  3. Use buzzsumo to find top sharing pages

I will show Alexa’s example in this article

  1. Go to and use the free version
  1. Type in your blog’s or Competitor’s ( URL.)
  2. Then Click Find
  3. After that, a page will load scroll it till you find country

You won’t get to see other metrics without a paid subscription but you will get to from which countries people are visiting the blogs.

Take note on what are the other countries from people are visiting

This is an important step to get to know what your visitors are liking

  1. Check engagement metrics

It means it will tell you what visitors doing on your/competitor’s blog. Its like storytelling.

So what above term means?


Bounce Rate: People not reading or reading what they want & leave.

Daily Page Views: How many visitors visiting the blog daily

Daily Time On Site: How much time Visitors Spending on the blog.

I repeat, This numbers will help you decide which content & topic to choose, So don’t skip anything.

  1. Take Note of top Keywords

in below example, Alexa showing lots of visiting coming from the word “keyword planner”

Above example, you will get to know what people are interested to read. If you write about keyword planner then you will also get lots of traffic.


Always give your visitors what they want & you will win.

So always keep an eye on your competitor’s strategy it will help you decide your content how they write. If they can do it then why you cant?

Always find out who is your competitors by searching on google and similar site websites.

How long your article should be?

To know do the following steps

  • First, paste your keyword on Google & open top ranking site
  • Copy article
  • go to & paste the article
  • Note number of words on the article

This word count will help you find out How many words your article must contain.


How many images should your article contain?

The answer is similar to your count competitors’ words. Now count your competitor’s images.

Also, check

  • Number of images
  • Style of images
  • type of images

How to write the best article in your Niche?

Observe your competitors and learn from them. See how they write certain topics & copy their style. you will learn a lot by copying them. It’s like how your baby learns things by copying you. No one is born with great skills. Everyone copies one another so just copy how they write & don’t copy their article.

As shown above, Find your competitor is the biggest part. If you successfully find your competitors in your niche. Then simply understand you have completed great part.

Observe the following things in your competitor’s article

  • What is their topic?
  • How they write a title for that topic?
  • How long is their article?
  • How many images they have in the article?

Follow the below steps to write an excellent article

  • Topic
    • Make it unique
    • Describe the reader how to solve or achieve their goal
    • Explain all steps
  • Introduction
    • Use at least 100 to 200 words
    • it should contain 5 -7 paragraphs
    • Talk in the first person
  • Body
    • Always use simple language
    • No slang and bad words
    • Use short paragraphs
  • Images
    • Use 10 or above images (checkout above)
    • Don’t use clipart in body
    • Use infographics, graphs make it engaging
  • Conclusion
    • Use 3-5 paragraphs
    • Use FAQ’s

I believe after doing all these steps you will be able to write the most competitive articles for your blog.


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