10 Best SAT Online Courses To Prepare

10 Best SAT Online Courses To Prepare
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For high school students, undertaking the SAT exam is one of the most common steps in planning to attain post-secondary education. SAT, which was commonly an acronym of “scholastic aptitude test”, stands for nothing nowadays. Now, the SAT is a standardized test for the students, who are willing to study in the colleges.

The SAT exam is administered by the College Board. The examiner team assesses the preparedness, skills, and expertise of the students through the SAT exam. SAT exam is time-based and paper-based, which requires tough preparation to get through the SAT exam.

Although most of the colleges have stopped taking SAT scores as part of their admission process, but most of the colleges use the SAT scores for distributing the scholarships, acceptance of students into the college, and the placement in the class.

So, most of the students may have to undergo the SAT exam to do well in the entrance exam. If your college requires you to undergo SAT exam in its admission process, you must prepare yourself.

Students do not have to worry now! We have curated a list of the Top 10 Best SAT Online Course, which will help them in gaining the offer letter of a particular college of their choice:

  1. Test Prep: SAT – LinkedIn Learning

This is a great course to get started with the preparation of the SAT. LinkedIn Learning is the most suitable for beginners, who are new to the SAT courses. The course is taught by the industry-best professional instructors, having seven years of experience. So, students are taught most effectively.

Key Features:

  • The course contains useful and productive videos, which increases the understanding of the students of SAT topics.
  • Instructors teach the most effective test practices, tricks, and tips to the SAT-aspirants.
  • The instructor effectively teaches you to write the most comprehensive courses.
  • Students are taught to learn the reading comprehension most proficiently.

LinkedIn learning has offered one of the most powerful beginner courses to the SAT aspirants. The course covers all the basic points of the SAT Test Preparation.

Pros Cons
·         You get access to the top-quality video lessons.

·         Tests are taken on a regular basis to ensure that students are learning well.

·         A 1-month free trial is available.

·         Only the core topics of the course are covered.


This course is suitable for the students, who want to work hard and improve their scores. Students learn the foundational topics and techniques for mastering the SAT subjects in the most efficient manner.


  1. Mastering the SAT: A full SAT Preparation course – Udemy

This course has been designed to adapt to the student’s learning capabilities. The student learns through one weakness and conquers another one. The course is engaging and intuitive, which keeps the student going on in joyful and interactive content.

Key Features:

  • You will learn different sections of the SAT exam in this course.
  • Instructors teach you the reading comprehension most efficiently, equipping you with the essential tips on reading comprehension.
  • The writing section is also comprehensively covered in this Udemy course.
  • By taking this course, you will learn to ace the Maths section as well.

Each lecture is designed to provide you with three steps: application, pure content, and recognition.

Pros Cons
·         12 downloadable resources are given in this course.

·         Students are enabled to learn engagingly.

·         The course has been customized to fit the needs of the SAT aspirants.

·         3.5 hours of on-demand videos are made available.

·         Some students have complained that they cannot download the material.


Udemy is a professional educational platform, which offers the most outstanding courses on affordable price – Same goes for this course!


  1. Improve Your SAT Writing Score: A Grammar Boot Camp (Week 1)– SkillShare

This is one of the best courses to start with SAT preparation. The course equips you with every essential explanation of the core topics that appear again and again in the SAT exam. The course covers the writing section, in which grammatical aspects of the SAT exam are covered.

Key Features:

  • You are taught the basic sentence structures of the grammar.
  • You also get to practice the SAT exam with the released exam questions.
  • The course helps you with reading comprehension too – as you learn the reading comprehension.
  • The course covers excellent-quality writing material.
  • You learn to write the most exceptionally correct essays.
Pros Cons
·         This is a short-duration course. You cover all the topics of the SAT exam in a short amount of time.

·         The course is engaging and intuitive.

·         The course is available at affordable rates.

·         It does not cover other parts of the SAT exam.


This course is suitable for beginners. With the engaging teachers, helpful examples, and the organizations of lessons, the SkillShare prepares you for attaining the highest marks in the SAT exam.


  1. SAT Prep 12 Month Course –Magoosh

Magoosh is a well-established educational platform, which is widely known for its high-quality courses. The course has a study plan that is aimed at keeping you on track during the course. The course is prepared and developed by the instructors, who had previously taught thousands of students online. So, instructors take care of the students on individual levels and help students cover their weaknesses.

Key Features:

  • The SAT Prep 12 Month Course has 1500+ questions.
  • The course offers study reminders. Students are alerted about what and when they have to study.
  • The course contains top-quality video lessons and explanations.
  • Students are effectively taught essay-writing strategies.
  • The course has a reward system, which encourages the students to cover more and more topics in less amount of time.

Magoosh has a mobile app, which helps students in covering various topics anytime anywhere.

Pros Cons
·         Magoosh guarantees the score. So, you can be assured that you will pass and ace the exam.

·         With the Magoosh mobile app, it becomes easier to study.

·         You get the 7-day free trial. Then, you can decide whether you want to continue or not.

·         There are no add-ons available.

·         There are no live or in-person classes available.


Magoosh exactly provides the top-quality SAT course that combines all the essential topics. So, you can learn and develop foundational knowledge of the SAT course.


  1. SAT On-Demand – Kaplan

SAT On-Demand is known as the best preparation package, which is made available online.The course efficiently teaches the students exam-taking strategies and equips them with productive SAT exam tips. The students teach materials that add greatly to the knowledge of the students.

Key Features:

  • Students are given the Prep SAT books, which has everything that students need.
  • The course is packed with the course questions, on-demand lessons, and practice questions.
  • The Kaplan has an SAT channel that has elective live instruction.
  • Students learn math, reading comprehension, and writing in this course.
  • By the end of the course, students become capable of acing the exam.

Kaplan SAT On-Demand course has a simple approach that is a combination of the exercises, skills, and practices quizzes and tests.

Pros Cons
·         The course is designed with animated and live videos that have music. The music encourages the students to learn most effectively.

·         The classes are offered in various modes: in-person, live, or recorded videos.

·         The course is affordable.

·         Some materials of the course are available on add-ons.


All in all, this is one of the most productive and constructive courses available on the SAT.


  1. SAT Online Courses – High Scores Test Prep

The course is personalized for each student, and given individual attention. The course has been designed and developed by a professional tutor. Higher Scores Test Prep Course is preferable for the students wanting to prepare in a short period of time. This is a quick program, which gets completed within 4-5 weeks. However, if you opt for the complete package, that takes 8-12 weeks. So, both the short and the long SAT Online Preparatory Course get completed quickly.

Key Features:

  • The course contains the video tutorials, which are updated now and then.
  • Every student is given the downloadable SAT prep material.
  • Each student gets personalized Q&A video responses.
  • Print preparatory books are also given to the students.
  • Students (complete package only) are provided unlimited email support.

This course is the most suitable for the students who have limited time left for the preparation.

Pros Cons
·         At the end of the week, the countdown is sent to the students.

·         Every student receives the most supportive care from the instructors.

·         Students avail efficient training from the expert instructors. Instructors also keep a track of learning of the students.

·         The interface of the website is heavy and text-heavy.

The SAT course features comprehensive video tutorials, alert emails, weekly reports, and practice tests. Therefore, you must put your trust in this course and sign up.


  1. SAT Online Preparatory Course – Offered by the Manhattan Review

Manhattan Review claims that your success begins with the SAT online preparatory course. The course contains the most efficient and productive material, which helps you later in life as well. You take small steps of learning in this course, which opens the gates towards big gains. You just have to study 20 minutes a day to conquer your milestones.

Key Features:

  • There are video explanations for every question.
  • The course has flexible timing, which allows you to prepare anytime you want.
  • The course has a plug-and-play study schedule, which helps students in learning most efficiently.
  • Manhattan experts tell the students how the test is designed.
  • At the end of the course, the student produces the most amazing results by investing a reasonable amount of time and effort.

With the practice tests, quizzes, and period performance tests, the capabilities of students are reviewed and evaluated. Then, the feedback allows the student to get improved.

Pros Cons
·         Manhattan Review has a good history of explaining the topics in the most efficient manner.

·         Instructors are devoted and dedicated to efficiently teach the students. So, students learn in the most joyful and positive environment.

·         You get a score guarantee. If not attain, you are refunded.

·         You have to directly purchase the course. There are no trials available.


With the top-quality faculty and the course materials, the Manhattan offers a course that takes you towards success.


  1. SAT Score 1400+ – Princeton Review

Whether you require a quick study plan before the big exam or an in-depth study plan, the Princeton Review SAT Score 1400+ course is suitable for all that students need. The Princeton Review is an established educational platform, whose thousands of students had taken the exam and successfully scored the 1400+ score.

Key Features:

  • The course features intuitive and most-excellent quality video lessons.
  • The course is packed with single-section practice tests, which determine the student’s qualities and improve them.
  • Each student gets the personalized lesson plans.
  • Students are given the SAT preparatory books, which include the 1400+ programs.
  • Students avail the 24/7 customer support from the industry-best tutors.

As the name of the online course suggests, the Princeton Review SAT Score 1400+ course gives a score guarantee. Students achieve the score working towards the score rigorously.

Pros Cons
·         Students get a higher score guarantee from the top professionals of the field.

·         Students are provided with one-year access to all the materials of the course.

·         Students get the self-paced, online, or in-person classes – as the students prefer.

·         There is no trial available for the students to determine if they want to undertake the course or not.

·         The Princeton Review does not have a mobile app.


With the highest score in mind, students pass the exam with flying colors. Princeton Review makes concerted efforts on the students with its result-oriented online course.


  1. SAT Online Preparation Exam – IvyBound Educational Platform

With the flexibility of the schedule, convenience of organized course content,and the excellent course materials, the SAT Online Preparation exam is the best course available online. The exam offers the most-advanced practice tests and quizzes, which helps students in attaining higher scores.

Key Features:

  • The course provides electric materials.
  • Students give the extra-help online, which helps the student learn most efficiently.
  • Instructors teach valuable strategies to the students. So, students take the exam excellently.
  • You get the updated and latest material on course.

Students are given the multiple options of class modes; so students get to choose the in-person, live, or other tutoring sessions.

Pros Cons
·         Sample classes are also given.

·         The platform of the course is engaging.

·         The additional help is given to the students with the Q&A live video response sessions.

·         There are no lectures on the essay.

SAT Online Course offered by the IvyBound is the most comprehensive course available online.


  1. Official SAT Study Guide – PrepScholar

PrepScholar is tough to beat when it comes to the quality, versatility of the contents and affordability. The students get the customizable study plan, which helps them in studying in a perfect schedule. The Official SAT Study Guide features thousands of practices and videos, which covers the fundamental skills and SAT strategies.

Key Features:

  • Instructors take the diagnostic tests of the students.
  • The course includes comprehensive lessons and texts.
  • The course is packed with useful practice quizzes and practice questions, which polishes the skills of the students.
  • PrepScholar has adaptive learning technology. As you grow to learn difficult concepts, the more difficult concepts are given to you and the process continues so on.
  • The Official Study Guide includes writing, reading, and math strategies.

The PrepScholar has a well-established and well-designed interface, which is easily navigable and user-friendly. The instructors also teach the course in an intuitive, engaging, and clear way.

Pros Cons
·         Students are provided free technical support.

·         Users are given a chance to get the risk-free 5-day trial.

·         The SAT official guide study plan guarantees score improvement.

·         There is no in-person class. Students must take recorded classes.

·         The course also does not have a mobile app.


The course has been designed systematically and scientifically to develop your foundational base of the SAT. Therefore, PrepScholar SAT Official Guide students ace the SAT exams and gain a higher SAT score.

Bottom Line:

All of these courses are the most comprehensive introductory courses for preparing you for the SAT exam. The course contents, practice exams, quizzes and the lecture videos are excellent, but our vote goes to the LinkedIn Learning, Udemy and SkillShare – Top 3 Courses.


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