Udacity Nanodegree Review : Why You Have To Takeup This Course

Udacity Nanodegree  Review : Why You Have To Takeup This Course
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Udacity is one of the leaders in tech education, paving the way to success for several students interested in the field.  With the rise in importance of technology in our world today, their well-rounded degree programs are aimed at delivering all the ins and outs of the tech world through instructor led lessons of all levels. The Udacity Nanodegree programs are recognized by several leading companies around the world like Google, IBM, and AT&T.  The programs range in level of difficulty, offering classes to those that want to hone in on one skill or perhaps those seeking a profitable career move. These programs are constantly updated, with new programs added often keeping students in the know in the rapidly evolving world of technology.


Every Nanodegree offered by the academy comes in combination with services that are aimed at quick and successful hire, by the top-rated companies in the business. The growing positive reputation of the Nanodegree certification is matching graduates to their dream jobs at a faster rate than ever before, thanks to added career assistance, and other features that are exclusively offered through enrollment of the courses. Here, we have consulted with Udacity elite to breakdown all those interested in a career in tech need to know before enrolling in a Nanodegree program with the highly rated academy; Udacity.


What’s Special about Udacity?

What started off a small experiment wound up leading to a successful program that has helped millions of learner’s step into the world of tech confidently and knowledgeably. This was initiated by 2 Stanford professors, Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig, who offered their “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” course online. That might not seem like a big deal but there was one big difference between this course and the thousands of others out there, and that is it was absolutely free and available to any and everyone across the globe. Surprisingly, this small experiment would incorporate over 160,000 anxious learners from more than 190 countries surpassing the expectations of the philanthropist professors. Today, Udacity is partnered with several top tech companies with the goal of giving every student the best opportunity to be competitive and prepared for all challenges that arise when searching for and landing a job.


Why should you choose this course?

The Nanodegree programs offered by Udacity cover all the main point of programming with several courses within Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Programming, Cloud Computing, and Autonomous Systems.  Every program features several courses ranging from beginner to advances and specializations. No matter which program you choose, you’re guaranteed the best experience, as they come equipped with:


Real Projects:

Udacity aims to prepare students to enter the workforce as soon as the course is completed. For this reason, built in projects allow learners to apply their newly learned knowledge to real-world problems that real global companies are facing today. This gives learners a shot at being more prepared than those from other courses by giving them the edge and experience they need and a project to add to their portfolio.


Your Own Mentor:

The motto at Udacity is ‘students first’ putting a large emphasis on catering to all the needs of learners of all levels. Throughout the duration of each program, learners are given a mentor that is there to answer questions and keep learners on track. Apart from this they also offer motivation to students, as many of them have been in their shoes as students in the field at one time themselves. These mentors are available day and night with the goal helping learners reach their goals.


Career Coaching:

Udacity Nanodegree graduates have a reputation to uphold. It is for this reason that a strong effort is put in place at sending learners out prepped for all parts of the job from interview to hire. Staff are put in place to help perfect portfolios and resumes, using top techniques to get them straight to the top of the pile. Most learners confess that the interview process is the most frightening, most going on their first interview with nerves, jitters, and stress. This is why staff are there for interview prep, ensuring that students are prepared for all questions and can hit the curveballs out of the park. Each step along the way comes with expert feedback growing every learner in every way possible.


Customizable Learning:

All learners come from different lives and no 2 are alike. Some already have a career and are looking to change, while others are already in the tech field and wanting to move up or increase their knowledge.  For this reason, Udacity lets learners create a plan that fits them perfectly. They can go through the courses at their own pace and tailor the payments to suit their needs.


Carefully Created Curriculum:

Each program within the Udacity has its own unique curriculum, carefully drawn out in collaboration between top companies. Instead of normal lessons, most lessons are created with an overall project to complete, each step providing learners with all they need in order for successful completion. This method of interactive learning is the Udacity belief, giving learners a chance to gain experience among each and every topic while adding to their portfolio. As learners make their way through the course and complete the projects of each lesson, expert reviewers grade the submissions providing feedback to keep improving and evolving skills. There are no maximum number of submissions so students will be able to learn and grow from their mistakes until a successful submission is done and complete.


Every lesson brings students one step closer to deep knowledge of the programs and technology which they will eventually work with. Step by step, lessons and interactive activities are guided by expert instructors with vast experience in the field which they are teaching. If there is a concept that is not quite clear, there is no deadline, as learning is done in a self-paced manner and will not continue until all is clear and ready to be applied to the next concept as learners get closer to the bigger picture. Student’s success and ability to be competitive in the innovative field of tech is Udacity’s #1 concern.


As part of the Nanodegree curriculum, learners are required to submit a final project, usually one that is geared toward the needs of the companies with top interest in that field. Template of some code is generally provided, aiming to aid learners in beginning their projects. The final capstone projects are usually started and finished on your own, with your mentor and community behind you every step of the way of course.

Courses Offered


To date, there are several different courses all within 6 main categories. Potential learners can find course ranging from basic to advanced within any field of AI here at Udacity.


School of Business


UX Designer

An introduction and in-depth look into user experience and research with a strong emphasis on prototyping


Marketing Analytics

Work with the most up to date programs to help large companies reach their goals by analyzing the market to give them a plan tailored to them and their needs.



Predictive Analytics for Business

Learn how Forecasting can be useful for business to predict the future productivity.


Digital Marketing

The rise in social media has created a large need for a new type of marketing. Learn all the top techniques in collab with Facebook, Blueprint and more.


Business Analytics

Work with Excel and SQL to learn the power of data analysis and its benefit to present day companies.


School of Programming


Front End Web Developer

Work with all the top programming languages like Java, CSS, and Node while learning all the concepts behind front end development.


Full Stack Web Developer

Dive further into the inner working of web development with Python and Java.


Java Developer

Work with the ever-popular Java MySQL to take development skills to the next level.


Data Structures and Algorithms

Learn the ropes of algorithms and data structures through solving problems of the real-world from real companies.


Introduction to Programming

Learn all the basics about the world of programming and work with HTML, CSS, and Python.


Data Analyst

Matplotlib and Pandas are used throughout the course as your learn deeper concepts involving Data Wrangling and Bootstrapping.


IOS Developer

Work with the latest versions of Swift and iOS to learn the how to develop apps from the ground up alongside giants like AT&T, Google, and Lyft



Hone in on the skill of React. Learn how to build with React native and Redux.


Android Basics

Learn the entire Android system and key features to its development


Blockchain Developer

Learn about the growing popularity of Blockchain and how to build and construct complex system that can be useful for future companies.



School of Artificial Intelligence


AI Products Manager

Learn the business side of AI with a course that introduces you to products and models.


Intro to Machine Learning

A stepping stone to the innovative and constantly evolving world of AI. Here work with AWS on supervised machine learning.


Machine Learning Engineer

Sharpen your skills as a machine learning guru working on supervised learning


AI Programming with Python

Learn how much of an asset Python can be to building complex systems in AI.


Deep Learning

Build Neural Networks with Jupyter Notebooks in this intermediate deep leaning course.


Natural Language Processing

Work with the same systems used to build popular systems of today like Alexa. Partnered with IBM and Amazon.


Artificial Intelligence for Trading

Learn how the world of AI can have a huge impact in the world of Trade in collaboration with WorldQuant.


School of Autonomous Systems


Sensor Fusion Engineer

An important job that requires keen attention to detail. In collaboration with Mercedes, you’ll work with Perception, Lidar, Radar and Computer Vision.



Work with deeper and more complex data structures and algorithms


Self-Driving Car Engineer

Mercedes, BMW, and Uber are just a few of the companies this course is partnered with. Take a look into deep learning and sensor fusion.


Flying Car and Autonomous Flight Engineer

An advanced program tailored to engineers with an interest in developing flight mechanisms. Work with 3D motion planning, Controls, and Kalman Filters.


School of Data Science


Data Visualization

Learn how to collect and view data in order to reveal useful information to improve productivity in your company.


School of Cloud Computing


Cloud Developer

Work with the powerful analysis tool AWS to learn the ins and outs of cloud development.

Cloud DevOps Engineer

Work with AWS to learn the concepts of Configuration Management.

Programming for Data Science with R

In collaboration with Mode, this course goes in depth with programming language R to show its powers in analysis of big data.

Data Engineer

Learn all the concepts involved in creating systems for collection, analysis, and reporting of data.

Data Scientist

One of the newer courses on the site, with this course you’ll dive into deep learning and machine learning and work with the software involved.


Get your Certificate and Get a Job


Graduates of all Udacity Nanodegree Programs have the upper hand and can enroll in the Udacity Talent Program. This means your resume will be shared with thousands of companies that are looking for fresh new additions to their team. Several companies have raved about Udacity graduates, confiding in the perfectly constructed system that the courses offer.


Becoming part of the Talent Program is not required but is highly recommended, with Udacity reporting an 80% successful hire rate for graduates within the first 6 weeks of course completion.  In order to become part of the program, 3 easy to follow and simple steps need to be completed.


  1. Create a Profile

First off, companies want to know who learners are. There is a person behind the certificate, most of them far different from every other. This is why a killer profile is necessary, allowing learners to let their personalities shine. Udacity staff will assist in perfecting profiles, ensuring that it will catch the attention of some of the best companies in the business. Apart from making a profile to highlight talents and uniqueness, learners will need to upload their resume, showing their skills, education, and experience. As mentioned earlier, Udacity’s expert resume team will skim over every detail of resumes, making sure that they are ready for discovery by top-notch companies.


  1. Become part of Talent Squad


Once profile is perfected and resume is seamless, graduates will be added to the Talent Database, where scouts from companies all around the world are on the hunt for the next best addition to their team. However, this is not just a company affair, Udacity team members are also on the prowl, letting graduates know when a job is available matching their skills and experience.


  1. Sit Back and Watch the Companies Come to You

The Udacity team is constantly on the lookout to make matches between graduates and companies. Every time a company starts a search for a new team member, Udacity ‘s career squad hits the road making matches made in heaven. Graduates will only have to set back and take advantage of the career prep services provided to Nanodegree graduates.

Certificates of Completion

Successful completion of every Nanodegree program comes with a certificate of completion with the course name and name of the graduate. These are a great way to show off newly acquired skills, as they are printable and emailable making them the perfect way to prove or show off accomplishments. All certificates are made available upon successful completion of the course, accessible via the ‘My Course’ page. There, graduates and learners can find all current courses they’re participating in and also those which they have mastered. This option to print and download remains until learners select ‘Leave Class’, which clears it off of the dashboard leaving room for courses to come.


As the popularity and reputation of Udacity grows larger, a certificate increases in value allowing graduates a head start at landing their dream job. Some successful graduates of the course have referred to the certificate as the ‘Golden Ticket’ to employment, with many employers beaming as they confidently incorporate them into their IT team. We will say however, that just like all other jobs, graduates need more than just a paper to be successful. They also need the skills, experience, and training to back it up. This is what Udacity aims to do, with a large emphasis on creating a well-rounded and competitive graduate that can go out and represent the name like a boss.


How Much does a Udacity Certification Cost?   


Udacity started out offering courses for free with the goal of providing education to everyone willing to participate. As the academy grew larger and gathered more of a reputation, a cost was added to the certificate courses. However, this cost is very small on comparison to the skill set graduates will be equipped with and the starting salary for IT professionals. The cost depends on several factors. Not only one the course but the amount of time the course takes to compete, with the longer and more detailed courses costing more. No need to panic, most of the Nanodegree certificates come with flexible payment plans that can suit any budget. To give future learners and graduates an idea, most of the courses range from $199 to $2400, with possible payment plans in monthly increments. Be aware that there are some programs that come with a fixed start and ending date, requiring full payment within the span of the course.


Udacity understands that this may be difficult for some learners, and has therefore teamed up with more than 350 companies across the country with the goal of providing need-based scholarships to over 100,000 anxious learners. This is part of their ‘Pledge to American Workers’ campaign set to hit in 2020. Reward requires that applicants be over the age of 18 and earn an income that classifies them as ‘need based’. Those that think they meet these requirements can pre-register now to become part of the first batch of rewarded learners to receive help from Udacity. This campaign is set to run from 2020 to 2024 with hopes of allowing those that wish to change careers or gain deeper knowledge in their field access to education without the need to worry about finances.

What do Graduates Think?


Overall, Udacity has a positive reputation among graduates and companies. Collectively, the average rating falls around 4.85 when taking review from all over the web into consideration. Unbiased reviews were collected from g2.com where graduates were asked what they liked and disliked about the course. One reviewer that gave a 4 out of 5 stars commented:


“I really liked the projects and the feedback from project reviewers, they are real life projects and very useful for your career. I also liked the videos, which were short and straight to the point and that helped me to understand most concepts quickly and accurately. The courses are great, but I think the prices are a little bit higher compared with other platforms and they increased since my Front-End Nanodegree. Also, I wish that were provided more practical exercises.” https://www.g2.com/products/udacity/reviews/udacity-review-2816524


Another reviewer that posted on Reddit commented the following giving it 3 out of 4 starts


“The tuition of Udacity Nanodegree keeps going up. Why do you spend more than 1000 dollars on a 3- or 4-month video course without enough support?”



It is impossible to suspect that pleasing everyone is a possibility but overall, the academy scores high among content and instruction. The part that most people seem to get uneasy about, as with most online courses, is the cost. Thinking about it in economic terms, the amount IT employees earn per year as they evolve their skills is defiantly worth the investment.

Final Thoughts 


Udacity is unlike many other academies of its kind providing learners with all the tools and features they need to be a success. IT continues to evolve creating a never-ending need for professionals to keep sharp and up to date with new skills and techniques required for successful coding. Apart from web design, data analysis is a rapidly growing field, with several companies paying big bucks to professionals with skills to analyze data and run reports.


These skills and more are available among the many Nanodegree programs offered at Udacity, backed by a team of superstar motivators. A certificate from the academy has growing significance as its name gains more recognition. Several partnerships have already been made with top companies in the IT world and Udacity doesn’t plan to stop now. Those that want to take the next steps toward a career in IT will be glad they chose to learn with Udacity, receiving the support and tools they need for success. No need to fret about time tables and schedules as several programs allow self-paced learning to cater to professionals both current and soon to be.


Learners who are curious can visit the site to learn more or can enroll in one of several programs available in all different levels. Take it from the graduates and the successful employs from companies around the globe that consider a certificate from a Nanodegree program with Udacity a huge asset. One that provides graduates a foot inside of the door towards the exciting and ever evolving field of It.

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