Microsoft Azure Interview Questions and Answers

Microsoft Azure Interview Questions and Answers
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It is no secret that going for an interview can be terrifying, especially when getting your dream job depends on how you answer the questions. In that case, many people often pay attention to mock questions that prepare them mentally. The same case applies to people who wish to attend a Microsoft Azure interview. With these facts in mind, this article explains the top Microsoft azure interview questions you should expect. Read on!

What do you understand by Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft Azure, previously popular as Windows Azure, is a cloud computing platform from Microsoft. The platform offers various cloud services, including analytics, networking, storage, and computation. So, the users use the platform for the various services and develop new or existing applications. The main aim of the Azure platform is to assist businesses in managing various challenges and meeting their goals.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing refers to using various technological resources over the internet to store, retrieve or process data. And the main advantage of using cloud computing is that you do these jobs at high speed, increase the availability and scalability of these services, and most importantly, reduce the cost. Note that the companies that offer cloud computing resources are the cloud service providers, and Azure is one of the most powerful cloud service providers currently available.

Highlight something about the Azure Cloud Service?

Azure is a cloud service provider from Microsoft launched in 2010, 1st February. It uses the pay-per-use model that dictates that users should only pay for the services they want. Over the last couple of years, Azure has become a leading cloud service provider where 80% of the companies rely on it for hosting services. One significant advantage of this provider is that it supports multiple programming languages, including Java, NodeJS, C#, and more.

Are there Azure competitors in cloud computing, and if yes, which is its biggest competitor?

Yes. Other than Azure, we have multiple cloud service providers available in the market. And a recent report shows that Azure’s biggest competitor is Amazon Web Services which competes effectively. Other players in the field include Alibaba cloud, Google, IBM, Oracle, and Salesforce.

Highlight some of the cloud services offered by Azure

Microsoft Azure is a broad cloud service provider with a range of services such as networking, storage, migration, computing, IoT, Management tools, monitoring tools, DevOps, Security, Developer tools, etc.

Why is Azure Important?

Azure is a cloud service provider which offers users a wide range of cloud services. These services assist the customers in developing various types of applications and hosting these applications. Besides, the platform includes a dedicated environment that offers validation services before releasing the product to your audience.

Cloud computing is essential. However, the method of cloud deployment is equally important, then explain the three main models of deployment

There are three main cloud deployment models you can use including:

  • Public cloud
  • Private cloud
  • Hybrid cloud

Public cloud: Under this model, the cloud environment is publicly available; hence, server resources are easily shared between multiple applications.

Private cloud: As the name suggests, this model is entirely private. The user owns the cloud resources, or in other words, the cloud service provider delivers services exclusively to the users. As a result, you host your application on private servers.

Hybrid Cloud: This cloud infrastructure blends private and public clouds. As a result, the model offers on-premise servers when dealing with confidential data but offers the public cloud setting when dealing with public applications.

Describe the Role Instance in Microsoft Azure

The role instance refers to a virtual machine that accommodates the running of the application code using the running role configurations. Note that it is possible to have many instances in a role depending on the cloud configuration files.

Explain the cloud service roles by Azure

Cloud service roles include applications and configuration files. And currently, Azure provides two types of roles including:

  • Web role: This role delivers a dedicated web server from the Internet Information Services, IIS, often used in front-end website hosting and automatic deployment.
  • Worker role: The role assists the web applications under them to operate asynchronously for long periods, are free of user interactions and don’t use the IIS. Note that the worker roles are the best options when running background processes since they run standalone.

Why is the Azure Diagnostics API necessary?

Azure Diagnostics API is quite important since it helps the users collect diagnostic information from Azure’s running applications, including performance monitoring, event logs, and many more. Note that for the cloud service provider to achieve the verbose monitoring; then you need to enable Azure Diagnostics. Besides, you can create a visual chart that allows better monitoring of the data and developing the performance metrics with the diagnostic.

What do you understand by the Azure SLA, Service Level Agreement?

As the name suggests, the SLA refers to a contract under Azure that guarantees that whenever more than two role instances are deployed, these services are available 99% of the time or more. It also highlights that if the role instance services are down, then the running state of the services is also 99% down. The last bit of the SLA contract is that if the conditions above aren’t guaranteed, Microsoft offers some of their monthly fees to the users to compensate for the agreement breach.

Explain the Azure resource manager service?

It is a service that provides management and deployment of applications in the cloud service provider. As the name suggests, it delivers the management layer that assists the developers in creating, delete or modifying the available resources. This feature is essential, especially when users have to meet requirements such as locks, security, and organizations of the resources and management of access controls.

Define NSG

NSG, Network Security Group includes a list of Access Control List’ rules which can either deny or allow network traffic in various channels. Whenever a subnet links to the NSG, the rules apply to all the subnet’s virtual machines. In other words, the NSG is crucial since it restricts network traffic.

Is VM creation possible under the Azure Resource Manager when dealing with Virtual networks?

No. Microsoft Azure doesn’t support this service

Define the Azure Redis Cache

The Azure Redis cache is an open-source system offered and managed under Azure. Its main job is to assist the applications to improve their performance. The system operates by fetching backend database’ data and later storing it in the Redis cache when dealing with the debut request but later getting the data from the cache for other requests. Note that this cache system is quite powerful since it uses the Azure cloud.

What are the Azure Virtual machine sets?

The Azure virtual machine sets are the computation resources that the Azure cloud provider uses to manage and deploy sets of similar virtual machines. Note that the sets are built identically and often support the applications’ auto-scaling even when you don’t pre-provision the virtual machine sets. Their central role is to assist in building large-scale applications when dealing with extensive data.

In Azure cloud service, what is the Availability set?

The availability set is a logical matching of virtual machines allowing Azure cloud to understand the development process of applications that delivers availability and redundancy. Note that every virtual machine in the availability set features two types of Azure domains including:

  • Fault domain: This feature refers to a type of grouping where the virtual machines have the same network switch and power source. The machines in availability sets are automatically separated into three fault domains. Besides, the separation of machines comes in handy when you wish to make an application available by reducing the network outages impact, hardware failures, and power interruptions.
  • Update domain: Under this category, the grouping of the machines and the hardware are rebooted at a similar period. However, the rebooting process takes place one update at a time but, the rebooting process is sequential. Note that before rebooting a new update, the newly rebooted domain receives a 30 minutes recovery time to ensure that the update domain is functional.

When using Microsoft Azure, you have access to two primary deployment environments. Explain them

Currently, Microsoft Azure includes two deployment ecosystems including:

  • Staging environments: The ecosystem validates the applications’ changes before going live in the core environment. You identify an application in this environment by having the Globally Unique Identifier, GUID.
  • Production environment refers to the primary environment where Azure launches an application, and the target audience has access to it. Users access the production environment using the DNS-friendly URL.

As an Azure cloud service provider user, can you successfully develop an application to handle connection failures?

Yes. Using the Transient Fault Handling Block, you can design an application that efficiently manages the connection failures. Many reasons can result in transient failures in a cloud setting, including:

  • The presence of many load balancers can lead to periodical failure of an application to database connections.
  • Using the multi-tenant services that result in calls going slowly, there is a time out since many applications are using their resources and heavily hitting one resource simultaneously.
  • A user overuses a resource. For instance, if a user hits a resource frequently, the service may deny the connection to support other cloud users.

Showing errors to the users can be complicated and confusing. Hence, the Azure cloud service allows the application to detect these transient errors automatically and try the operation again to re-establish the connection. Azure generates retry intervals using the Transient Fault Handling Application block, allowing the application to retry until it develops a stable connection. In most cases, the connection is back and stable by the second retry; hence, the users don’t have to learn about these errors.

What do you understand by the Azure Storage key?

The Azure storage key validates storage services and controls the data you can access depending on your application’s requirements. There are two storage keys, including the primary and secondary access keys.

Explain cspack in Microsoft Azure

The cspack is a command-line product that generates service package files. This tool comes in handy when you prepare the Microsoft Azure deployment process. It is an essential tool; hence every project under the cloud service features the cscfg file born from the cspack tool. The primary roles of this file are to store:

  • The number of Azure cloud service role instances during the project’s role deployment
  • The thumbprint of the necessary certificates
  • User-defined setting that guides how to use certain cloud services.

Can you execute a code without a server? If yes, what is the best Azure solution to use?

Yes. You can execute codes in Azure without a server using the service of the Azure function. The serverless functions simplify the complex and challenging orchestration and resolutions, respectively. However, the functions are stateless and short-lived. The functions service assist users in connecting with various services in the absence of hard coding; hence the development process is fast and easy. As a result, the developer can comfortably focus on the business idea since the development process is effortless.

Besides, these functions include monitoring and analysis features to determine the applications’ performance. Not to mention, they detect failure points.

Why is the Azure file system highly recommended?

Azure offers the Azure file system that users often use as the standard repository system that allows fast and easy data sharing across virtual machines. It uses different protocols, including SMB, NFS, FTPS, and more.

Explain the Azure Blob Storage

The Azure Blob storage is the Microsoft object storage solution for the cloud service provider. Blob is the Binary Large Object. In Azure, when speaking of blob-based storage, it is a device that stores massive unstructured data in binary or text format. The storage is excellent for serving images, audio, documents, text, and videos into the browsers.

Define an Azure Scheduler

The Azure scheduler assists in invoking various background trigger activities that deliver a message on a queue. The jobs available in the Azure cloud executes remotely on demand by using this scheduler.

Here best courses from Udacityon Azure.

Cloud DevOps using Microsoft Azure

Become a Cloud Developer using Microsoft Azure



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