15 Best Python Courses and Certifications online

15 Best Python Courses and Certifications online
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Featured Course on Learning Python from Linkedin Learning

Python is one of the basic and most important programming languages, which is highly readable object-oriented and popular language, For the Computer Science students and people in the IT field, Python occupies an important place in their education careers.

Key Features:

  • This is a basic course, which helps you in learning the fundamental rules and concepts of the Python programming language.
  • It is useful for both, a new programming student or an expert in the field. Python is easy to learn.
  • It gives a simple overview of the Python syntax, Python programming language and installation process.


Joe Marini is the instructor of the course, who is a Manager and Strategic Partner and Developer Relations at Google. Joe also boasts an experience 20 years in the web industry.


Course Details

Course Duration: 2 Hour, 11 Minutes and 14 Seconds
No. of Students Enrolled: 402, 638 Students
Price of the Course: $44.99
Levels of Course: Intermediate Level


1. AI Programming with Python (Udacity)

This course is designed to place you ahead of all other potential candidates in the field who are beginning to make a career change. Here you will learn all the basic and fundamental skills needed to begin programming along with a deeper look into the world of Artificial Intelligence. Here you will use programs like MATLAB, Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda, and NumPy, giving you experience with all of the most used tech in the programming world today.



OrtalArel, PhD in Computer Engineering: Curriculum Lead

Luis Serrano, Machine Learning expert and former Engineer for Google: Instructor

Jennifer Staab, RTI International Statistician and Computer Scientist: Instructor


What’s special about this course?

Udemy offers one of the most well-rounded and comprehensive programs for Python training. All of the projects you will complete can be added to your portfolio in order to attract future employers and give you a foot ahead of all other candidates, even those coming in with only a university degree. Udemy offers resume assistance and after, will send it out to more than 5,000 companies.


Key Features

  • Experience with Jupyter Notebook
  • Linear algebra review
  • Practice with neutral networks
  • Hands on experience
  • Projects and experience with all programming tools
  • Fundamentals of AI


Course Details:

Duration 80 hours
# of Students 262,345
Overall Rating 4.85
Pricing $299
Level Beginner/ Intermediate
Website Signup for free


2. Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp (Udemy)

Coming from the well-known Udemy Academy, this course will give you all that you need to know to become a web developer in little to no time at all. With completion of this course, you will not only gain experience with Python language and basic programming but all of the essential skills to start a career in IT and programming. Solve problems that are common among businesses today, and use them in order to gain experience.



Jose Portilla, Head of Data Science for Pierian Data Inc.


What’s special about this course?

One of the most special features is its combination of languages and problem-solving strategies that you will be exposed to. You will work with the most used programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in order to go out into the working world as an attractive and prepared programmer. Udemy offers placement assistance upon successful completion of all courses, helping you make the changes you want with your career.


Key Features

  • Front End development
  • Back End development
  • CSS training
  • Django training
  • Django templates
  • User Authentication
  • Bootstrap 3 and 4


Course Details:

Duration 40 hours
# of Students 85,547
Overall Rating 4.5
Pricing $199
Level Beginner/Intermediate
Website Signup for this course


3. Python Programming: Code Python Like a Boss (Skillshare)

This course is broken down into 48 short lessons that are easy to both follow and comprehend. Learning in this way will have you coding in the easy way, giving you all of the skills necessary in order to become more efficient and knowledgeable with Python. You will learn both Python 2 and 3 and also be able to distinguish between the two. You will work with all of the most fundamental tasks available with knowledge of the programming language and also practice with real solutions to see how the language is used in real life.



Jason Cannon, Technical Consultant for small to large scale companies


What’s special about this course?

Commonly used Python functions are built in for ease along with some of the top sources to use when searching for the correct Python documentation. Practice exercises and exams will help to test your understanding of these concepts. By the end of the program you should be able to define functions and understand the difference between binary and text files. In the case that you are not satisfied, the course offers a money back guarantee, ensuring you that you will take away what you need and more for starting or evolving your career.


Key Features:

  • Importance of white space
  • Python training
  • Organizing Python programs
  • Define and use of functions
  • Practice exercises and suggested solutions
  • Money back guarantee


Course Details:


Duration 2 hours,11 minutes
# of Students 2,994
Overall Rating 4.5
Pricing $15/month
Level Beginner
Website Start for free


4. Learn Python 3 (Codecademy)

There are no prerequisites to start this course, making it a great opportunity for those with a grasp on the basics of programming. You will not only be introduced to some of the more basic concepts in programming but also learn more advanced concept of Python 3. Codecademy also stays up to date on all language versions ensuring that you are learning the most recent and updated programming essentials.



Colin Warren, Data Scientist with Codecademy


What’s special about this course?

You’re given all that you need in order to start creating solutions to real world problems. These can be added to your portfolio to show your skills and make you more attractive to future employers. You will also learn the basics of loops and turns, one of the more advanced topics in Python.


Key Features

  • Learn syntax
  • Introduction to control flow and functions
  • Training with loops and strings
  • Arguments
  • Practice with conditional statements
  • Real-life problem solving


Course Details:

Duration 25 hours
# of Students 45,000
Overall Rating 4.6
Pricing $19.99
Level Intermediate
Website Signup


5. Data Science with Python (Simplilearn)

This course is targeted at those who are looking to start their career as a data scientist. Included in the training is a glance into analytics and software that gives learners a large advantage over those who are only studying one language. This course is focused more toward those who already have experience and some Python training making it better to have some experience with math and other more basic programming concepts.



Several trainers will guide you through the learning process. All of those who are selected to be instructors have at least 10-12 years of experience in the IT and data science field.


What’s special about this course?

The best part about this course is the ability to learn with the unique Simplilearn method of blended learning; bringing together several different forms of learning into one. Instructors will lead you through the most basic concepts and you will have access to videos, practice labs, and have the ability to access teachers for assistance 24/7.


Key Features

  • Simplilearn Blended Learning method
  • Statistical analysis
  • Scientific computing with SciPy
  • Scikit training
  • Machine learning
  • Natural language processing
  • Python environment setup


Course Details:

Duration 68 hours
# of Students 6509
Overall Rating 4
Pricing $699
Level Intermediate
Website Get Started


6. Python Certification Training for Data Science (Edureka)

This course will give you a unique opportunity to create data sets from scratch. You will also be introduced to many of the top programming languages and technologies including Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib. You will be introduced to all the fundamentals of data science, using them towards projects that will bring attention to you as a candidate in the workforce.



Nidhi Seth, DevOps Engineer and Edureka instructor.


What’s special about this course?

This course is unique in the number of projects you are set to complete throughout the course. Learn several concepts along the way that can be used in real life situations. Those wanting to focus on machine learning will benefit from this course, as there is an extensive introduction followed by examples that can be applied to other projects as you enhance your skills as a coder and programmer.


Key Features

  • Practice with data manipulation
  • Supervised and unsupervised learning
  • Mining systems training
  • Experience with Model selection and boosting
  • Cross validation and clustering


Course Details:


Duration 21 Days
# of Students 50,000
Overall Rating 4.9
Pricing $429
Level Intermediate
Website Signup for this course


7. Introduction to Python: Absolute Beginner (edX)

Using Jupyer, you will be taught all of the basics of Python language. With this you will be able to create a strong foundation, one that can be used to evolve your skills to the next level If you’re looking to start a career in IT and programming. You will be given a certificate upon completion that will give you access to some entry level jobs that will gain you experience as well.



Eric Camplin, Senior Content Developer for Microsoft


What’s special about this course?

Two of the largest companies come together to make these courses a possibility, IBM and Microsoft. This course will give you practice coding with Python using Jupyter Notebook, a skill that is very useful when you make your way out into the business world. Some of the codes that you build can be reused and recycled to solve problems like those given in your course.


Key Features

  • Python training
  • Jupyter training
  • Creating functions
  • Conditional statement practice
  • Introduction to computer science
  • Real-world problem solving


Course Details:


Duration 5 weeks
# of Students 345,345
Overall Rating 4.7
Pricing $99
Level Beginner
Website Signup for this course


8. Programming for Everybody (Coursera)

This course is perfect for the newest of members to the programming community. Featuring an introduction to the most basic concepts of programming and Python training to prepare you for all types of real-world problems. Here, you can work with data extraction and database demonstration, and even Syntax and Semantics. After this course, you will have the foundation necessary to dive into deeper projects and study more specific points within programming.



Andrew Ng – Google Brain creator and cofounder of Coursera


What’s special about this course?

This course is special for its partnership with University of Michigan, giving learners a head start when searching for jobs and companies to work for. It is also made to help give you a strong foundation, one that can be carried along while you skyrocket your career through the IT can programming world. You will also be part of a large community, one that is full of successful programmers that have climbed up the ladder and can offer advice for those that are brand new.


Key Features

  • Extensive Python training
  • Syntax and Semantics courses
  • Big picture programming
  • Memory storage and retrieval
  • Interactive course
  • Real-world examples


Course Details

Duration 128 hours
# of Students 901,618
Overall Rating 4.8
Pricing $49/mo.
Level Beginner
Website Signup for this course


9. Learn Python Programming with PyCharm (Lynda.com)

This course from Lynda.com will teach you not only the basics but several useful topics to increase your understanding of the Python language and its power. Go over several applications that are possible with the programming language and use them at the end to understand how to create web projects using PyCharm.



Bruce Van Horn, lead software developer at Visual Storage Intelligence


What’s special about this course?

Experience with PyCharm is in high demand these days, making you a more attractive candidate. Apart from this you will pick up some SQL training, HTML training, and Java training, all while in the process of this Python course. This program is designed for beginners so that any one that has used a computer can understand and follow without a problem.


Key Features

  • Database creation
  • Experience with in-line SQL
  • Adding functions
  • PyCharm training
  • Git training
  • training


Course Details:

Duration 2 hours, 30 minutes
# of Students 215,510
Overall Rating 4.6
Pricing $25/month
Level Beginner
Website Start this free for one month


10. Diploma in Web Development (Shawacademy)

This course is split up into 4 modules, each lasting 4 weeks. Each module takes a different a more complex concept and breaks it down into easy to follow lessons. Starting with a free beginner level introduction, the course outlines the basics in an attempt to create a strong foundation, giving you what you need to successfully complete the other more advanced modules.



Julian Quirke


What’s special about this course?

This course gives a glimpse at the surface of the potentials of Python, using the language to develop web pages. This is a highly specific area of IT, making the course material more spread out and less math intense.


Key Features

  • JavaScript training
  • Programming fundamentals
  • PHP course
  • Advanced SQL training
  • Configuration of server

Course Details:


Duration 16 weeks
# of Students 759,001
Overall Rating 4.9
Pricing $120
Level Intermediate
Website Sign up for free


11. Introduction to Python (DataCamp)

Designed for beginners in the programming world, this course will teach you all the basics and let you go at your own pace. This course is a shorter duration, but one that can be combined with other more specialized topics to help learn more complex concepts with the language. You will receive many hours of Python training and also gain experience with NumPy and scientific computing.



Hugo Bowne-Anderson, Data Scientist at DataCamp


What’s special about this course?

DataCamp offers tons of free introductory courses to help you become a well-rounded individual in the programming world. You will get a great grasp on Python and also receive R training and a NumPy course all while understanding real-world techniques using programming to solve them. The skills learned from this course can be used and put on your portfolio as experience and can also prepare you for projects and problems that are typically required for you to solve during the interview process.


Key Features

  • Variable creation with Python
  • Practice with functions
  • Python methods
  • NumPy training
  • Data analysis
  • R training
  • Introduction SQL and big data


Course Details:

Duration 4 hours
# of Students 1,720,420
Overall Rating 4.7
Pricing $25/month
Level Beginner
Website Signup for Free Trail


12. Python Programming Introduction (QuickStart)

This course in an intensive 2-day introduction to one of the most used programming languages in the world; Python. Not only are you taught all of the basic and essential skills of programming but also given time to develop simple applications and write conditional statements without wasting a second of your time. This is a great course to take with the objective to brush up on your skills or can give you the essentials you need to begin grasping other more difficult concepts.



WajihOldwaj, Experienced instructor and Data Scientist


What’s special about this course?

Perhaps the best and most special point of this course is it takes only 2 days until you’re coding like an expert. You will work with conditional staements and text to file writings and reading to develop recyclable codes for future projects. By the end of the course you will have a good grasp on all of the concepts plus, you will learn how to deal with exceptions to some of the most common problems programming is now attempting to solve.


Key Features

  • Learn differences between Python 2 and 3
  • Receive a Python Style Guide
  • Work with conditional statements
  • Work with both ordered and unordered data sets
  • Prevent errors
  • Create Python applications
  • Processing of Strings and Integers
  • Processing of decimals, floats, and mixed numbers


Course Details:


Duration 2 days
# of Students 10,245
Overall Rating 4.5
Pricing $1,337
Level Beginner
Website Signup


13. Python for Data Science (edX)

This course will teach you all you need to know about the Python language, including an introduction and development in use of top technologies and programs that mix with the language.



IlkayAltintas, Chief data science officer at UC San Diego

Leo Porter, Professor of computer science and engineering UC San Diego


What’s special about this course?

This course is part of MicroMasters program and is allied with UC San Diego, offering a well-rounded and credited course that can be used to enhance every portfolio and resume.


Key Features

  • Basic data sciences processing and concepts
  • Python and Jupyter notebooks
  • Manipulation and analysis of data
  • Machine learning methods

Course Details:


Duration 10 weeks
# of Students 228, 427
Overall Rating 4.8
Pricing $319
Level Advanced
Website Signup for free



14. Learn Python Loops (Codecademy)

For those who already have a good understanding of the Python programming language, this program will teach you how to loop code in order to integrate it more easily into repetitive or highly complex codes. With nested loops, breaks and infinite Python loop training all in one convenient course.



Qazi Khatri, Data scientist


What’s special about this course?

This course offers a detailed look into a specific concept of Python, one that when combined with vast knowledge of the language can be used to create seamless code. Write functioning loop codes and learn about how to get the max benefits in combination with math concepts.


Key Features

  • Python loop training
  • Write real loop code
  • Real world applications of infinite loops
  • Even, odd, and exponential numbers
  • Python keyword
  • Python list comprehension

Course Details:

Duration 4 hours
# of Students 756,234
Overall Rating 4.6
Pricing $19.99
Level Intermediate
Website Signup 



15. Intermediate Python for Data Science (DataCamp)

Along with a deeper understanding of the language, this course works with Matplotlib and Pandas. You can start the course for free with 18 videos and 87 different exercises to test your knowledge and understanding.



Filip Schouwenaars, Data Scientist


What’s special about this course?

Work with real case studies, to learn hacking, a tool that can help when building and writing code. Concepts like loops, filtering, dictionaries and Pandas are all included for an in-depth intro to this language.


Key Features

  • Foundation of decision making
  • Pandas training
  • Python loops
  • Work with data sets
  • Case studies


Course Details:


Duration 4 hours
# of Students 378,941
Overall Rating 4.7
Pricing $39.99
Level Intermediate
Website Signup for free trail




16. Python Data Structures (Coursera)

Learn all the inner working of the Python language through this course certified by the University of Michigan



Charles Russell Severance, Professor School of Information

What’s special about this course?

This course is designed with specialization in mind, giving those that enroll an opportunity to work with all concepts both fundamental and advanced to complete a full specialization.


Key Features

  • Strings
  • Python installation
  • In-depth Python training
  • Recognized certification from University of Michigan
  • Hands on Learning
  • Projects to add to portfolio


Course Details:


Duration 10 hours
# of Students 303,373
Overall Rating 4.9
Pricing $49/mo.
Level Intermediate
Website Signup




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