How to reduce bounce rate for your blog

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There is a big difference in normal blog and good blog.

In a Normal blog where people come to see some content. And leave immediately. But a good blog is where people stay, read & invest their valuable time reading your blog.

If you want to become A list blogger then invest your time in every small detail about your blog. By Practicing these things. The casual readers will become your avid follower & will check your blog daily for new updates.

If you don’t invest your time in detail. Then people will leave the blog immediately after they visit. It will increase your bounce time so remember to keep eye on small details. Always remember these things

  • Blog Readership is more important than SEO
  • Retaining Targeted Reader is more important than the casual reader
  • Killer Headlines to attract people to read your blog
  • Reduce bounce time by keeping eyes on small details.

Remember, you are lucky to read this blog before starting your blogging career. Back in the days. There is little to no information available. And even people sell this information as an eBook. So, brace yourself that you are reading such premium stuff for free.

While now there are hundreds of resources available on the internet about blogs. So join groups and forums related to blogging. And you can also comment below. I will happy to help you out.


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