50+ Oracle Fusion HCM Interview Questions Updated 2019
Here is the list of 50+ best oracle fusion hcm interview questions on talent management, absense management, general ledger, data loader and technical questions for freshers and experienced professionals.
Interview questions on oracle fusion HCM
Oracle Fusion HCM can be defined as a Human Capital Management that is a total set of Human Resources (HR) related processes and products. This application provides better insights into the different departments of an organization. This helps the employees in keeping the record of the documents and data in a very comprehensive and easier manner. From initiation to completion, this application assists the employees in accomplishment of their goals, growth of the organization and productivity. The work is performed in the best manner possible. Business value is understood in better terms and ways, and knowledge of the business is developed furthermore. Oracle Fusion HCM redefines the goals of the HR department and increases the confidence of the HR team as it assists them in performing their tasks well. This application adds importance and value to the every person of the organization.
1. What Is Legislative Data Group In Fusion HCM?
Answer: Legislative Data Group is used for partitioning payroll and any data related with it. Legislative Data Group is required for at least one country where it may operate. At least one Legislative Data Group is required for the country in which enterprise operates. Each Legislative Data Group is associated with a legislative currency, code and cost key field structure. Legislative Data Group works in compliance with the local laws.
2. What is Legislative facts organization in Fusion HCM?
Answer:Legislative facts organization in Fusion HCM may be defined as tool which helps in portioning payroll and any facts related with it. When an enterprise operates within a country, legislative facts organization is required. Legislative facts organization in Fusion HCM marks legislation, in which processes payroll, having its own legislative code, currency and own cost key flexfield structure.
3. What Are Oracle Fusion Trees?
Answer: They are also called the Oracle Fusion Timer. They show the organization’s hierarchy in the graphical representation. There are also templates of the oracle fusion tress available for the organization, structure, department and the positions in the Oracle Fusion Human Capital Management. Multiple versions of the tree can be created with the assistance of the Oracle Fusion HCM.
4. If You Update An Assignment Record Multiple Times In A Single Day, Can You Still Track The Record, If Yes How?
Answer: Yes,you can update an assignment record multiple times in a single day and track the record too. More than one physical record can be created for the objects such as assignment. In order to do this, valid sequence number must be given in every physical file for showcasing the order in which the update has been made.
5. What is Oracle Fusion Timber?
Answer: Oracle Fusion Trees are also known as Oracle Fusion Timer. They represent organization’s hierarchy in the graphical representation.
6. In case you replace a challenge report more than one times in a single day, can you continue to song the record, if sure how?
Answer: Yes,you can update an assignment record multiple times in a single day and track the record too. More than one physical record can be created for the objects such as assignment. In order to do this, valid sequence number must be given in every physical file for showcasing the order in which the update has been made.
7. What Is Functional Setup Manager Or FSM As It Is More Commonly Known As?
Answer: Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager performs certain setup tasks which are necessary for the completion of the project. This application leads you throughout the project on the functional implementation.
8. What Is Enterprise Structure Configuration (esc) And What Are The Benefits Of Using It?
Answer: Enterprise Structure Configuration (ESC) is an interview-based tool which shows your business in the oracle fusion application and directs you about the configuration of enterprise structure.
Organization structure, organization setup, position and job of the enterprise can be defined using this tool. There are many benefits of using the ESC, following are some of them:
- All the organizational structures can be created at one time.
- Multiple configurations can be designed to test different scenarios.
- Enterprise configuration can be reviewed before loading.
- Enterprise configuration is rollback after loading.
9. What Do You Understand By Reference Data Sharing?
Answer: Reference Data Sharing, in the Oracle Fusion HCM, means to share the jobs, grades etc. configuration data across business units. Configuration data can be shared in buckets throughout the business units. This is how, duplication of data is reduced.
10. What’s The Difference between the Watch List and the Work List?
Answer: Following are the definitions of a watch list and a work list:
- Watch List: A set of shortcuts is provided by watch list to follow that needs your attention.
- Work List:A work list shows a task that needs your assent and notification for you to consider and view.
11. Could You Please List Down Some Of Common Tasks Used During Implementation?
Answer:The common tasks used during implementation include following:
- Management of Actions
- Management of Job
- Management of Grades
- Management of Profile Options
- Management of Gallery Portrait
- Management of Person Types
- Management of Enterprise HCM Information
- Management of Legal Entity HCM Information
- Management of Legal Addresses
- Management of Legal Entity
- Management of Location
- Management of Divisions
- Management of Departments
- Management of Business Unit
- Management of Common Lookups
- Management of Review Periods
- Management of Performance Document Types
- Management of Worker Goal Setting Profile Option Values
- Management of Worker Goal Setting Lookups
- Manage Goal Management Notification Settings
12. What Is Distribution Threshold In Fusion Performance Management?
Answer: The Distribution Threshold in Fusion Performance Management generally looks after the workforce that must be there for the completion of the tasks after normalization.
13. How Many Sections A Performance Template Can Hold And What Are Those?
Answer: Six models of performance template can be held, and they are following:
- Competency Section
- Manager Final Feedback Section
- Questionnaire Section
- Overall Review Section
- Goal Section
- Worker Final Feedback Section
14. How many sections an overall performance template can preserve and what are those?
Answer: They are the following:
- Manager Final Feedback Sections,
- Final Feedback Sections By Workers,
- Final Feedback Section By Managers
- Goal Sections, Review Sections and Questionnaire Section.
15. What Are The Different Absence Type Patterns Available In Fusion Absence Management?
Answer: The most common absence type patterns available in Fusion Absence Management are childbirth, Generic absence and Injury/Illness.
16. What Are The Different Plan Types Available In Fusion Absence Management?
Answer: Answer: There are three different absence type patterns available in fusion absence management, which include accrual, no entitlement and qualification. They are defined below:
- Accrual: This plan is generated in order to create the absence for the paid leaves, such as vacations etc.
- Qualification: This type of plan is created for paid leaves, and employees are entitled to the leaves and pay during the period. Its examples include maternity leave.
- No entitlement: This program is maintained in order follow the paid and unpaid leaves, so that there is no accumulated balance of leaves and payment.
17. What’s Practical Setup Supervisor or FSM asits Far More Generally Referred toas?
Answer: Practical Setup Supervisor also called Functional Setup Manager (FSM). It plays a major role in the management of functional implementation project. The users are provided very accurate and guarded information in this matter. There may be many errors found within the implementation life cycle, so these errors can be avoided with the assistance of the FSM. So, this application is very important application that has several guided modules.
18. What Do You Apprehend By Means Of Reference Records Sharing?
Answer: In Oracle Fusion Human Development, it is very beneficial for sharing data that is in relation with the configuration. This data may be in connection with the grades, job or departments. So, an organization, that has multiple departments, remains at ease always because they can monitor and share the data all the time at the same time. So, organizations benefit a lot form this facility provided by the Reference Records Sharing. Duplicity of the data and its challenges are avoided to a great extent.
19. What Exactly Do You Know About The Fusion Trees? How Are They Significant In Fusion HCM?
Answer: Handlinghierarchical data is always very difficult, challenging and complicated.It is always near impossible to keep up with them. So, these trees help the users in handling the hierarchical data through showing them ingraphical representation. The fusion trees are so helpful that entire organization’s structure can be presented through them in the graphical form. It is significant in the sense that it makes it understandable and manageable. So, users better understand which tasks are vital and which are not. This is how, users make significant decisions in accurate manner.
20. What Do You Know About The Enterprise Structure Configuration?
Answer: Enterprise Structure Configuration is a task that can be easily managed and dealt by this tool. All the position structures are simply defined by the assistance of this approach.
21. What Type Of Structures Can Easily Be Managed By Fusion Tree? Is It Possible For The Users To Change These Structures?
Answer:Fusion HCM has many features, which include representation of hierarchical data in the graphical representation. Geographic tree, structures of organization along with positions linked with the same is represented by the fusion tree. Predefined tree structures cannot be changed by the users. However, users have the option to create new tree with the use of geographic trees. A copy can also have its multiple versions. However, this does not imply that all the versions can be used at the same time. Only one instant can be used at the same moment.
22. Name A Few Important Sections Within A Performance Template In An Oracle Fusion Hcm?
Answer: Following are some of the important sections within a performance template in Oracle Fusion HCM:
- Manager Final Feedback Sections,
- Final Feedback Sections by workers,
- Final Feedback Section by managers
- Goal Sections,
- Review Sections.
- Questionnaire Section.
23. What’s practical Setup supervisor or FSM as it’s far more generally referred to as?
Answer: Practical Setup Supervisor also called Functional Setup Manager (FSM). It plays a major role in the management of functional implementation project. The users are provided very accurate and guarded information in this matter. There may be many errors found within the implementation life cycle, so these errors can be avoided with the assistance of the FSM. So, this application is very important application that has several guided modules.
24. What is agency structure Configurator (ESC) and what are the benefits of the use of it?
Answer: Agency Structure Configuration is a task that can be easily managed and dealt by this tool. All the position structures are simply defined by the assistance of this approach.
- Organizational structures are created once at a time.
- Multiple configurations are created to test the different multiple scenarios.
- Enterprise configuration is reviewed before it is loaded.
- Enterprise configuration is rollback when it has been loaded.
25. What do you apprehend by means of Reference records sharing?
Answer: In Oracle Fusion Human Development, it is very beneficial for sharing data that is in relation with the configuration. This data may be in connection with the grades, job or departments. So, an organization, that has multiple departments, remains at ease always because they can monitor and share the data all the time at the same time. So, organizations benefit a lot form this facility provided by the Reference Records Sharing. Duplicity of the data and its challenges are avoided to a great extent.
General Oracle Fusion HCM Interview Questions
26. Why is Human capital management important?
Answer: Human Capital Management can be explained as an asset. An organization regards an employee as an asset who has joined the company for his growth. Employees serve and accomplish the goals of the organization when he tries to grow himself. Organizations make sure that they are making good investment. They select the employees through a particular selection process which assures that they will end up adding value to the organization. The better human capital enhances the productivity of the organization.
27. What are the factors that you should consider for specifying the key responsibility areas for an employee?
Answer: When an organization hires an employee, certain factors are considered in order to assume him fit for performing certain job responsibilities. The organization must consider his skills, expertise and devotion required for the performance of the job responsibilities along with the educational qualities, experience and areas of interest. If right candidate is hired for the right position, it will lead to productive and positive environment at the work.
28. What are the core pillars of HCM?
Answer: The core pillars of HCM are following:
- Talent acquisition
- Retaining talent
- Managing talent
- Training talent
29. What is the best way to motivate employees?
Answer: The following are the best ways to motivate the employees:
- Employees may be appreciated for their hard work in front of others.
- Employees must be rewarded before others.
- Incentives may be provided to the employees.
- They must be promoted for consistent good performance.
- Designation of the employee should be increased.
- Pay of the employees must be increased to motivate them.
30. Why are skilled employees essential for organizations?
Answer: Skilled employees are necessary for organization for following reasons:
- Productivity of the organization is increased due to excellent expertise of the skilled employees.
- Skilled employees use their intelligence, smartness and learned knowledge along with their mastered skills for the growth of the organization. Thus, organization grows.
- Skilled employees know how to perform a work, so they often achieve the organizational goals and missions.
31. Select the four products offered as part of the Oracle Fusion HCM product family under the business process category of Workforce Development.
- Profile Management
- Talent review
- Network at work
- Performance and goal management
32. Under workforce deployment category, name the sub-processes under the workforce Deployment in the Oracle Fusion HCM family.
Answer: They are following:
- Social networking Management
- Workforce lifecycles Management
- Absence Management
- Workforce Profiles Management
33. What is instance qualifier?
Answer: When content is added in an item or an item is updated by a user, this contains instance qualifier. Instant qualifier is selected which is inserted in that in a row.
34. What’s absence pattern?
Answer: Pre-defined set rules can be considered in the initial stage in order to create absence type simply. It depends upon the users if they make use of special fields or not. The absence record can also be shown through an option. The best thing about it is that it has categories of the absence in accordance with its forms.
35. What square measure the various set up sorts accessible in Fusion Absence Management?
Answer: The most common absence type patterns available in Fusion Absence Management are childbirth, Generic absence and Injury/Illness.
36. What square measure the various set up sorts accessible in Fusion Absence Management?
Answer: The most common absence type patterns available in Fusion Absence Management are childbirth, Generic absence and Injury/Illness.
37. make a case for what a watch list and work list is?
Answer: They are given below:
- Watchlist: When a user works on the Oracle Fusion in Human Capital Management, he always tracks certain items when performing a particular task. All the items count can easily be watched and navigated to the related application sector. The shortcut can be edited according to the required specifications. Users can also create the track record of the processes. One of the best things about it is that it generates and manages reports very well and easily.
- Worklist:This list contains data about the items that need to be performed, which are very sensitive and require assent of the user before the last execution. It also shows some notifications and works which have been prioritized. All works are easily and simply handled with the assistance of the worklist. It makes sure no work is forgotten by the user. The user can perform these works in any manner he wants.
38. However are you able to track the record if you update associate assignment record multiple times a day?
Answer: Yes,an assignment record can be updated multiple times in a single day and track the record too. User can create more than one physical record for the objects such as assignment. For the performance of this work, valid sequence number must be given in every physical file for showcasing the order in which the update has been made.
39. What’s distribution threshold within the Oracle Fusion HCM?
Answer:After the normalization, distribution threshold will ensure that workforce will be there for the completion and accomplishment of the tasks.
40. Name a couple of sets enabled objects within the Oracle Fusion HCM?
Answer: Some set enabled objects in Oracle Fusion HCM are
- Jobs
- Grades
- The Departments
41. What specifically does one fathom The Fusion Trees? However square measure they vital In Fusion HCM?
Answer: Fusion trees are created for representing hierarchical data in the graphical presentation. It is very vital because it represents data in the graphical representation. It makes the work of the user very easy, and report preparation and results become easier to generate and understand.
42. What does one fathom The Enterprise Structure Configuration?
Answer: Enterprise Structure configuration is a work that is managed and handled with the help of this tool. This approach defines all the position structures.
43. What sort of Structures will simply bemanagedby Fusion Tree? Is it attainable For the Users to vary These Structures?
Answer: Hierarchical data is represented in the graphical form by the fusion tree.
Following data can be handled by the fusion tree:
- Geographic tree
- Structure of the Organization
- Inter Departments of the Organization
These structures cannot be altered by the users. However, users can create new structures with the help of the geographic trees. These trees can be customized by the users in accordance with the needs and requirements of the users. Every copy can be said to have multiple versions. However, these multiple versions cannot be utilized simultaneously. One must use each copy at an instant.
44. Name a couple of necessary Sections inside A Performance templatein associate Oracle Fusion HCM?
Answer: They are the following:
- Manager Final Feedback Sections,
- Final Feedback Sections By Workers,
- Final Feedback Section By Managers
- Goal Sections, Review Sections and Questionnaire Section.
45. What square measure The Common Tasks That square measure oftentimes used throughout The Implementation?
Answer: The common tasks used during implementation include management of legal addresses, grades, lookups, worker goal setups, review periods, business units, legal entity, divisions, departments, locations documents types etc.
46. What’s practical Setup Manager Or FSM because it Is additional unremarkably illustrious As?
Answer: Practical Setup Supervisor also called Functional Setup Manager (FSM). It plays a major role in the management of functional implementation project. The users are provided very accurate and guarded information in this matter. There may be many errors found within the implementation life cycle, so these errors can be avoided with the assistance of the FSM. So, this application is very important application that has several guided modules.