25 Best SEO Software For Small Business From Influencers

25 Best SEO Software For Small Business From Influencers
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Have you recently stepped into the digital world? Then, you must know the art of attracting target clients to your website. But, without a high ranking in SERP (Search Engine Results Page), you can’t expect to achieve your goal.

How can it be possible?

Although high ranking in search engine results depends on a lot of factors. But, surely, you need to take special care of your site’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Now, you might debate that you can do SEO on your own.

But do you want high growth in your business?

Yes? Then, you need to make unique, visionary strategies for your organization. And so, you can’t spend your whole time on creating SEO strategies.

What’s the solution?

A simple solution is to take help of some best-in-class SEO tools. This post is about brief reviews of 25 best SEO software and tools. That means you can easily choose the most suitable options for you and give your site’s SEO a great boost.

Here is the list of Best SEO Software For Small Business

1. SEMRush
2. Ahrefs
3. Screemingfrog
4. Hubspot SEO Software
5. MozPro
6. KWfinder
7. UberSugggest
8. LinksManagement
9. Proranktracker.com
10. SerpStat
11. BuzzSumo
12. Agency Analytics
13. Spyfu
14. Siteguru
15. Woorank
16. SEOPowersuite
17. Clearscope
18. Webtexttool
19. Raventool
20. Ninja Outreach
21. Bright Edge
22. NetSpeak Spider
23. SEOPressor
24. LongtailPro
25. Reportz


1. SEMRush :

SEMRush has a base of 2.000.000+ users. Owing to SEMRush, you can easily analyze your site rankings. This tool also helps e-commerce entrepreneurs to start boosting their marketing endeavors.
Its amazing features like keyword research, SEO, social media, content marketing, etc are awe-inspiring. On-Page SEO Checker of SEMRush will help you a lot. You will also find this tool valuable in terms of analyzing analytics reports.

SEMRush shows topmost keywords of their users’ respective competitors. Moreover, this tool can also show the pages of the respective competitors’ websites that contribute to the highest traffic from organic search. Here is 7 days free trail for guru/ pro plans.

Try SEMRush for Free

Capterra Reviews:

SEMRush holds 631 reviews in Capterra. Many people have already used this tool and found it extremely useful. Most of the users have given 5-star ratings to SEMRush in Capterra.

Liraz Postan recommends this tool as among the best Search Engine Optimization tools. She works in Outbrain, as a Senior SEO and Content Manager. Here you can find detailed semrush review

Try SEMRush for Free

2. Ahrefs

Owing to the Site Audit functionality, you’ll get great help in terms of SEO analysis of your website. As a result, you can start improving the inferior parts of your site and grow your business.

Ahrefs also comes with incredible competitor analysis. The best part is that this tool will find out the backlinks of your competitor. That means it will be a great initiative in the way of your success.

Ahrefs also helps its users by letting them know about the highest linked-to writing piece in their area.

Capterra Reviews:

Ahrefs holds 143 reviews in Capterra. Moreover, maximum people have given it 5-star ratings.

Syed Irfan Ajmal appreciates Ahrefs.  At Ridester, he works as a Growth Marketing Manager.

3. ScreamingFrog

The SEO Spider of ScreamingFrog would start crawling across your entire site. As a result, a brilliant list of each and every internal page will be created.

You can also find out and start fixing broken links in a site with the help of ScreamingFrog. Thus, you can correct all 404 as well as 301 pages.

Nonetheless, you’ll get to know about different SEO elements of your site in a comprehensive manner. That means you can easily make changes accordingly and improve your site.

Capterra Reviews:

ScreamingFrog holds 9 reviews in Capterra and most of the users gave 5-star ratings.

John Lincoln has reviewed ScreamingFrog. He is the CEO of Ignite Visibility.

4. HubSpot SEO Software

HubSpot’s SEO tools have come with brilliant content tools. With their help, the users won’t miss any scope for optimization. Once you become a user of such tools, you can start planning an amazing content strategy. As a result, you can also start building your search authority.

Moreover, you’d also get tips on SEO on a real-time basis after typing advice. Owing to HubSpot’s SEO tools, it’s possible to detect the traffic and figure out the actual SEO ROI.

Capterra Reviews

HubSpot Marketing Hub holds 3627 reviews in Capterra and the overall rating is 4.5 / 5.

Jeff B., who is an MD of Public Relations and Communications, has already used HubSpot Marketing Hub.

5. Moz Pro 

Moz Pro is featured with top-notch tools targeted to link analysis. Moreover, as a user, you’d get brilliant tools for keyword research and On-Page optimization.

When it comes to keyword research, Keyword Explorer from Moz works as one of the best tools.

The users would have important information on Search engine results page features, including Google News results, etc.

Moz Pro is also helpful in driving customers to the websites of its users. Its incredible research toolset, as well as SEO tracking, have been developed by top-notch professionals from the industry.

Capterra Reviews

Moz Pro holds 225 reviews in Capterra and the overall rating is 4.5 / 5. For Keri Lindenmuth, the go-to Search Engine Optimization tool is Moz: SEO Software. At Kyle David Group, she works as a Marketing Manager.

6. Kwfinder

Kwfinder comes as a brilliant SEO keyword tool through which you can easily find out long-tail keywords with low competition.

Owing to Kwfinder, it’s become a breeze to discover the best keywords for your work. Moreover, you can also analyze the analysis reports for your website on SERP as well as backlinks.

Kwfinder features the Rank Tracker tool so as to find out the ranking during the improvement of tracking, depending upon a key metric. As a user, you’d also have a lot of new ideas on keyword and thus you can expect to improve your website ranking.


As per Trustpilot, the TrustScore of Kwfinder is 6.1.

George Perry likes the KWFinder tool. At Bandwidth, he works as an SEM Specialist.

7. Ubersuggest

Being a user of Ubersuggest, you can find out different keyword ideas to make strategies for content marketing. It will help you in content production as well.

Ubersuggest has also come with a keyword tool (free). Furthermore, it can provide its users with innumerable suggestions at free of cost. That means you can create your contents with more brilliance and expect to stand out from your competitors by improving your site ranking.

In the report of Ubersuggest, they add various metrics like competition, keyword volume, CPC, etc. It is a brilliant solution for paid PPC as well as organic SEO teams.

You can also get to know whether you should target a specific keyword and also about its competitiveness.

Neil Patel has already used Ubersuggest.

8. LinksManagement

When it comes to the link building facility, LinksManagement comes with 100% safety. Users can purchase budget-friendly, top-class backlinks from reliable websites. As a result, website rankings would get increased and so as the traffic.

Moreover, it also offers extraordinary C-Class IPs or Location. This tool can assess the backlinks page prior to the purchase.

The users would also get complete control through the links. LinksManagement has also come with 20,000 various website owners.

This tool helps while it comes to real as well as an active website accompanied by traffic. The users also get the facility of SEO Expert Tools as well as SEO Calculator.

According to Trustpilot, the TrustScore of LinksManagement is 4.8.

Jitendra Vaswani reviewed LinksManagement.

9. ProRankTracker.com

Top-notch tracking of rank is very important and Pro Rank Tracker is such a tool accompanied by a brilliant user interface.

If it’s about tracking a lot of keywords (hundreds or even thousands), it’s possible to group them into categories. And thus users can greatly organize them.

Pro Rank Tracker comes as the most inclusive SEO Rank Tracking solution. Moreover, it’s also a comprehensive SEO Reporting solution. That means it is a brilliant SERP Tracker. It would keep on updating its users with each and every change in terms of rankings of their websites as well as videos.

Capterra Reviews

ProRankTracker.com holds 112 reviews in Capterra and it has an overall rating of 4.5 / 5.

Gina E., Digital Marketing Associate in Sports, has used this software.

10. Serpstat

Serpstat has come as a brilliant tool for keyword brainstorming. This tool is capable of generating a large number of ideas regarding keyword.

Moreover, its updated version can now offer useful data, such as search volume, and so on. Its amazing “Search Questions” feature provides the users with questions whatever searchers more likely to ask around their (users’) topis.

It’s a great tool in terms of Rank Tracking, Competitor Analysis, Backlinks Analysis, and so on.

Capterra Reviews

Serpstat holds 107 reviews in Capterra. Moreover, it has 4.5 / 5 of the overall rating.

Gina E., Digital Marketing Associate in Sports, has already used this software.

11. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo is one of the must-have SEO tools with its amazing features. Its “View Sharers” helps its users to know who has shared a content piece on Twitter.  And it is great scope when it comes to outreach.

Owing to “BuzzSumo Alerts,” the users can get to know once a phrase or keyword has been mentioned on the internet.

With BuzzSumo, you can start finding out the major influencers for any particular topic. Moreover, it’s also possible to know about the maximum shared links for any kind of topic. You can start running a search in BuzzSumo within seconds.

Capterra Reviews

BuzzSumo holds 106 reviews in Capterra. Moreover, it has an overall rating of 4.5 / 5.

Alyssa I., the Senior Marketing Analyst of Non-Profit Organization Management, has used this software.

12. AgencyAnalytics

AgencyAnalytics is a brilliant reporting tool that’s dedicated to digital marketing companies. It has integration with Twitter, Google Analytics, YouTube, and so on.

More than 2500 digital marketing companies take help from AgencyAnalytics for creating reports for their clients.

Moreover, it can also make custom dashboards targeted to email, PPC, social, SEO, and so on. You can try AgencyAnalytics free.

As a user of AgencyAnalytics, you can keep the clients updated by delivering an automated report to their inbox.

Capterra Reviews

AgencyAnalytics holds 82 reviews in Capterra. Moreover, it has an overall rating of 5 / 5.

Ricardo S., Owner of Marketing and Advertising, has already used this software.

13. SpyFu

SpyFu helps its users in searching for their competitors and also downloading the respective keywords.

As a user of SpyFu, you can start learning PPC and SEO strategies of your competitors. That means you can also stay safe from their mistakes. Moreover, you can start trying this tool free without any need for CC.

The upgraded version of this incredible PPC tool has come with a lot of new SEO-oriented attributes. The feature called “keyword competition” is literally awe-inspiring. “Keyword Kombat” is also brilliant.

Capterra Reviews

SpyFu holds 81 reviews in Capterra. It has a 4.5 / 5 overall rating.

Melanie E., Founder of Marketing and Advertising, has already used the SpyFu tool.

Try Free for 30 Days

14. Siteguru

SiteGuru helps its users by crawling and assessing their websites. And thus, the users get tremendous help in terms of Search Engine Optimization as well as marketing activities.

SiteGuru also monitors the users’ websites and also help them to discover and correct problems. It also checks each and every web page of its users for SEO problems.

This tool also finds out site-wide problems that can otherwise create difficulties in your rankings. SiteGuru will also help you to fix these issues.

Capterra Reviews

Siteguru holds 61 reviews. Also, it has a 4.5 / 5 overall rating.

Brent R., Owner of Marketing and Advertising and Self-employed, has already used this tool.

15. WooRank

Woorank is a top-notch Search Engine Optimization analysis tool. It has come with both free as well as paid options. This tool is capable of tracking and reporting on its users’ marketing data.

It’s also possible to find out the target keywords of your competitors with Woorank. You can also know about keywords performance throughout the course of time to grasp an idea about your domain. Thus, you can also optimize keywords for your viewers in the best possible way.

Owing to Woorank, you can start realizing the lacking features of your website in terms of content and technicality.

Capterra Reviews

SEO PowerSuite holds 47 reviews in Capterra. Moreover, it has an overall rating of 3.5 / 5.

Nik D., an Owner and CEO, has already used SEO PowerSuite.

16. SEO PowerSuite

SEO PowerSuite is a collection of top-notch SEO tools, based on desktop. It features tools for backlink analysis and keyword research. Moreover, it also offers a rank checker as well as site auditor. In simple words, you’d get brilliant Search Engine Optimization tools under one umbrella. This tool is compatible with Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Owing to SEO PowerSuite, you can start improving your site ranking along with the outrank competition. Also, it offers top-notch analytic insight. As a result, you can choose the most successful SEO strategies.

SEO PowerSuite would also save time by accelerating your SEO by ten times.

Capterra Reviews

SEO PowerSuite holds 47 reviews in Capterra. Moreover, it has an overall rating of 3.5 / 5.

Nik D., an Owner and CEO, has already used SEO PowerSuite.

17. Clearscope

Owing to ClearScope, the users can start optimizing content for the latest RankBrain as well as Hummingbird, powered Google.

Once you’d type in the target keyword, ClearScope would provide you with a collection of terms whatever you should incorporate in the respective content. You will also get to know the number of times you ought to make use of such terms.

ClearScope is a tremendously useful and incredibly simple-to-use tool. Moreover, it’s also a brilliant optimization platform for creating relevant, top-notch content. As a result, you can start attracting more number of search traffic.

Capterra Reviews

ClearScope holds 39 reviews in Capterra. Moreover, its overall rating is 5 / 5.

Alex L., the Head of B2C Marketing on the Internet, has already used the ClearScope tool.

18. Webtexttool

Webtexttool comes as a great tool for content optimization as well as hybrid keyword research. With its help, you can know about the keywords in terms of search competition as well as volume.

Webtexttool helps its user being a top-notch engine for content creation. It comes with the power of artificial intelligence as well as machine learning.

When anyone starts writing texts, its real-time suggestions would support it automatically, depending on such settings.

You can also start improving the texts’ (both online and offline) conversion rates.

Capterra Reviews

Webtexttool holds 35 reviews in Capterra. Moreover, it has an overall rating of 4.5 / 5.

Cuong T., the Assistant Project Officer of Internet (Self-employed) has already used Webtexttool.

19. Raven Tools

Raven Tools tremendously helps digital marketing companies. Its site auditor tool is just brilliant. It shows the users with proper actions whatever they must take to correct any sort of SEO issues in their websites.

Owing to the “Thin content” feature, the users can get to know about the contents, which might put them at the risk associated with a Google Panda penalty.

Moreover, being a user of Raven Tools, you can save your valuable time, investment. Thanks to its online marketing reports. You can also start sending client reports for Social, SEO, and PPC.

Capterra Reviews

Raven Tools holds 79 reviews in Capterra. Also, it has an overall 4.5 / 5 rating. Christopher F., the Founder & CEO of Computer Software, has used Raven Tools.

20. Ninja Outreach

Ninja Outreach has come as a brilliant tool for blogger outreach. As a user of this tool, you can start searching for reputed peeps. As a result, you can start contacting them and increase your business.

In simple words, Ninja Outreach has facilitated the process of influencer marketing as well as lead generation, owing to its automated outreach.

It’s also possible to control the contacts and start sending emails with this incredible SEO tool. It can also help to create brilliant campaigns.

Capterra Reviews

Ninja Outreach holds 13 reviews and the overall 3.5 / 5 rating.

Mary M., the Sales Manager of Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing, have already used Ninja Outreach.

21. BrightEdge

BrightEdge has come as a brilliant Search Engine Optimization as well as content performance marketing tool. It is helping 1300+ clients in generating an increased number of organic traffic.

As a user of BrightEdge, you can find out whatever the clients are searching and thus you can reach there prior to your counterparts.

Moreover, it’s also possible to make a content marketing tactic that would be able to target, work, and delight. It also helps to track the ranking of contents.

Capterra Reviews

BrightEdge holds 21 reviews in Capterra. Moreover, it has an overall 4.5 / 5 rating. Stephanie E., the Marketing Manager of Computer Software, has already used BrightEdge.

22. Netpeak Spider

Owing to Netpeak Spider, a large number of webmasters and SEOs execute day-to-day SEO tasks in the best possible way.

You can start using Netpeak Spider as your own SEO crawler. As a result, you can perform a complete technical audit of your entire website in less time.

The users of this tool can also check more than 50 key On-Page SEO metrics related to crawled URLs. Moreover, they can also track more than 60 issues regarding their website optimization.

Capterra Reviews

Netpeak Spider holds 26 reviews and the overall rating is 4.5 / 5. Olga H. has already used Netpeak Spider. She is the CEO and Co-founder of Cosmetics.

23. SEOPressor

When it comes to a popular WordPress SEO Plugin, you can rely on SEOPressor. As a result, you’d get amazing On-Page SEO control accompanied by an easy-to-utilize WordPress Plugin.

SEOPressor can also collect user sites’ most important Search Engine Optimization intelligence. Moreover, it also presents such intelligence in a particular place.

Moreover, it’s also possible to acquire essential insights regarding the health of its users’ site SEO.

This tool also improves the thematic signal of its users’ contents for boosted search ranking by the optimization of at most three keywords.

Its “Automatic Keyword Decoration” feature is just brilliant.

Adithya Shetty has already used the SEOPressor tool.

24. Long Tail Pro

It is a tremendously simple-to-use keyword research tool. Just you need to enter any keyword and you’d start getting brilliant suggestions. It is a really amazing tool.

As a user of long tail pro, you can easily get to know about only those keywords you really need- thanks to its filtering feature.

Owing to this tool, it takes a single seed keyword when it comes to acquiring a lot of long tail keywords. You’d get 400 of such keywords in a few seconds.

The rank tracker feature of the long tail pro tool is just brilliant and amazingly simple to use.

Spencer Haws has praised the Long Tail Pro software tool.

Get 30% Discount on Long Tail Pro

25. Reportz

Being brilliant automated reporting software, Reportz enables its users to make a personalizable KPI dashboard for digital marketing. The users can do this by populating the dashboard with widgets, which display data from a collection of integrated tools for data analysis.

The users might also generate SEO reports for their clients within minutes rather than hours. Moreover, they would also get the facility of real-time KPI’s and data from all their marketing channels.

As a user of Reportz, you can completely personalize the reporting dashboards. Just you need to set the dashboards for once and voila! It’s also possible to share the dashboard with the respective team members as well as clients.

Capterra Reviews

Reportz holds 23 reviews in Capterra and the overall rating is 5 / 5.

Miljenko B. has already used the Reportz tool. He is the CEO of a Marketing and Advertising company.

Wrapping Up

You can’t ignore SEO if you’re going to start or have recently started your online venture. Moreover, if you’re struggling with your site’s ranking, it’s high time to rethink about your marketing strategies. Take help of one or multiple SEO software and tools and reach the height of success.


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