50 MongoDb Interview Questions and answers

50 MongoDb Interview Questions and answers
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Here is the best list of MongoDb Interview Questions and answers for freshers and experienced.

1) What do you understand by NoSQL databases? What is MongoDB ?
2) Which are the different languages supported by MongoDB?
3) What are the different types of NoSQL databases? Give some example.
4) Is MongoDB better than other SQL databases? If yes then how?
5) What type of DBMS in MongoDB?
6) What is the difference between MongoDB and MySQL?
7) Why MongoDB is known as best NoSQL database?
8) Does MongoDB support primary-key, foreign-key relationship?
9) Can you achieve primary key – foreign key relationships in MongoDB?
10) Does MongoDB need a lot of RAM?
11) Explain the structure of ObjectID in MongoDB.
12) Is it true that MongoDB uses BSON to represent document structure?
13) What are Indexes in MongoDB?
14) By default, which index is created by MongoDB for every collection?
15) What is a Namespace in MongoDB?
16) Can journaling features be used to perform safe hot backups?
17) Why does Profiler use in MongoDB?
18) If you remove an object attribute, is it deleted from the database?
19) In which language MongoDB is written?
20) Does MongoDB need a lot space of Random Access Memory (RAM)?
21) What language you can use with MongoDB?
22) Does MongoDB database have tables for storing records?
23) Do the MongoDB databases have schema?
24) What is the method to configure the cache size in MongoDB?
25) How to do Transaction/locking in MongoDB?
26) Why 32 bit version of MongoDB are not preferred ?
27) Is it possible to remove old files in the moveChunk directory?
28) What will have to do if a shard is down or slow and you do a query?
29) Explain the covered query in MongoDB.
30) What is the importance of covered query?
31) What is sharding in MongoDB?
32) What is replica set in MongoDB?
33) What is primary and secondary replica set in MongoDB?
34) By default, which replica sets are used to write data?
35) What is CRUD in MongoDB?
36) In which format MongoDB represents document structure?
37) What will happen when you remove a document from database in MongoDB? Does MongoDB remove it from disk?
38) Why are MongoDB data files large in size?
39) What is a storage engine in MongoDB?
40) Which are the storage engines used by MongoDB?
41) What is the usage of profiler in MongoDB?
42) Is it possible to configure the cache size for MMAPv1 in MongoDB?
43) How to configure the cache size for WiredTiger in MongoDB?
44) How does MongoDB provide concurrency?
45) What is the difference between MongoDB and Redis database?
46) What is the difference between MongoDB and CouchDB?
47) What is the difference between MongoDB and Hadoop?
48) What is the difference between MongoDB and ElasticSearch?
49) What is the difference between MongoDB and Cassandra?
50) Is there any need to create database command in MongoDB?


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