100+ laravel advanced interview questions and answers
Here are the best laravel advanced interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced professionals to crack the interview very fast.
What is the laravel framework?
Who is the founder of laravel ?
What are the top websites built on laravel ?
What is the latest version of laravel ?
What are features of laravel framework ?
What are enhancement features in laravel 5.8?
What are advantages of laravel framework ?
What are the disadvantages of laravel framework ?
What is composer ?
How to install laravel via composer ?
What is middleware in Laravel?
What is database migration. How to create migration via artisan ?
Explain validations in laravel?
What is dependency injection in Laravel ? its types ?
How to turn off CRSF protection for specific route in Laravel?
Explain Events in laravel ?
List some Aggregates methods provided by query builder in Laravel ?
Does Laravel support caching? How to setup ?
How to use custom table in Laravel Modal ?
Explain Inversion of Control, how to implement it.
What is PHP artisan. List out some artisan commands ?
Explain Laravel’s service container ?
List some default packages provided by Laravel 5.6 ?
What are Laravel eloquent?
List types of relationships available in Laravel Eloquent?
What are Laravel Contract’s ?
Explain Facades in Laravel ?
What is Lumen?
How to create migrations in Laravel? explain step by steps.
Why are migrations necessary in laravel?
What is service providers in Laravel?
How to get data between two dates with Query in Laravel?
How to create and use Stored Procedures in Laravel?
What is Facade in laravel and how it is used? Explain
What is dd() function in laravel ?
How to make a helper file in laravel?
What are the server requirements for Laravel 5.8?
What is an artisan? Name some common artisan commands?
How to make a custom validation rule in laravel?
What is the difference between {{ $username }} and {!! $username !!} in Laravel?
How to use session in laravel?
How to get last inserted id using laravel query?
How can we configure a mail-in laravel?
How to use cookies in laravel?
What is Auth? How is it used?
How to make a constant and use globally?
What are the difference between laravel 5 & laravel 4?
How to remove /public from URL in laravel?
How to get user’s ip address in laravel?
What are the difference between soft delete & delete in Laravel?
How to enable query log in laravel?
How we can upload files in laravel? Explain
What is soft delete in laravel?
What is Eloquent ORM in Laravel?
Explain the difference between latest() and oldest() in Laravel?
How to enable or disable maintenance mode in Laravel?
How to create real time sitemap.xml file in Laravel?
How to use aggregate functions in Laravel Query?
How to use skip() and take() in Laravel Query?
What is Queue and what are its advantages?
What is tinker in laravel?
How to clear complete cache in Laravel?
What is seed in laravel?
How to use update query in Laravel?
How to use multiple OR condition in Laravel Query?
Please write some additional where Clauses in Laravel?
How to use updateOrInsert() method in Laravel Query?
How to check table is exists or not in our database using Laravel?
How to check column is exists or not in a table using Laravel?
What are the difference between insert() and insertGetId() in laravel?
What is Active Record in Laravel?
What is the use of Accessors and Mutators in Eloquent ?
How to change your default database type in Laravel?
Explain Closures in laravel?
What is IoC container in Laravel?
What is the latest version of laravel?
What are the basic concepts in laravel?
Which template engine laravel use?
What are the features of laravel?
What is Package in laravel? Name some laravel packages?
What is validation in laravel and how it is used?
How to extend a layout file in laravel view?
How to redirect form controller to view file in laravel?
How to use Ajax in any form submission?
How to get current route name?
How to create model controller and migration in a single artisan command in Laravel?
How to pass multiple variables by controller to blade file?
How to assign a variable value for all view file?
What is Queues?
How to add multiple AND conditions in laravel query?
How to use join in laravel?
How to get current action name in Laravel?
What is Blade laravel?
In Laravel, what is fillable attribute in a Model ?
In Laravel, what is Guarded Attribute in a Model ?
How we can get user’s detail when he is logged in using Auth?
How to enable query log in Laravel ?
What are traits in Laravel?
What is Singleton design pattern?
What is reverse routing in Laravel?
What are named routes in Laravel?
Explain Bundles in Laravel?
Explain Laravel’s Middleware?
Provide System requirements for installation of Laravel framework ?