How To Start A blog Easily In 5 Steps And Make Money

How To Start A blog Easily In 5 Steps And Make Money
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I will help you. How to become a successful blogger, by creating a wonderful blog. So do you want to create a blog & get paid? Do you want freedom from your financial problems? There are hundreds of websites on the internet. Which can teach you about blog writing but only a few of them will show you their income proof along with it. I am creating blogs from a decade. And I also have launched several of my own blogs. And help hundreds of other companies to start their own successful blogs.


I know several of you will think that creating your own blog is hard. And you have to be a coder to make your own site. Or a professional writer with a fancy degree to start a blog. But I will assure you none of that matter. This article I am writing for a beginner blogger. Who just has only basic computer knowledge. So no matter what your current skills are. I will show you how to create a blog in only 5 minutes and can earn $1000 a month!


But 1st Thing You should know what a blog is all about?


What does the blog mean?

The blog is a website that is more focus on written content. You may often hear about the blog post. You also have listened to News Blog or Celebrity Blog. You can start a blog on any topic you like. But remember to make money through a blog; You should use a blog topic that has higher traffic. So that more people can read your content and the more money you can make. So think like that you will get money by writing about a topic which you have passion for.

But Believe me money is not everyone wants in life, a blog can make you 

  • Famous
  • Wealthy
  • Sharing your passion aka knowledge
  • Social Celebrity
  • Keep your logs/Journal


But if you are wondering how? let me clarify.

  • Make You Wealthy: Blogging can make you tons of money. If you did it correctly. Around the world, people are making quite good money and becoming top bloggers. You can also make money. If you do blogging part-time or full time. If everything goes fine you can earn a nice passive income. I will describe more money methods later in this article.
  • Share Your Passion: If You like to review stuff online. Ask Questions about anything about any subject! Share your opinion about any Subject. And if you want people to listen you follow you then blogging is great idea. People can read your opinion upon anything around the World. You can also keep logs of your daily lives. Like a journal and people read your day to day stories and follow you like a celebrity.
  • Become Famous: Yep You can become famous like celebrities by blogging. There are various examples in the world where People got famous. And even Press follow them wherever they go. It can give you lots of recognition in your life. People can call you an expert in a particular field or on a subject. And many bloggers also got movie & book deals for their work on that field.


So now you are very excited to be a blogger but also wondering how to start a blog of your own like:

  • Which platform to start a blog?
  • Which topic you should write/blog?
  • Which domain name to pick?
  • Where to buy a domain name?
  • Which company to choose for hosting?
  • Where to buy good hosting for your blog?
  • What are Easy Steps to install the blog for your domain?
  • Which templates/designs to choose for the blog?
  • What are important things to make your blog unique?
  • When & How fast to write your 1st blogpost?
  • How to write competitive articles for your blog?
  • How to choose a profitable keywords for your blog?


I will answer all your queries so sit tight & read carefully.

How to create a blog in 5 mins & Start making  money?


  • Choose a Blog Category or Niche. Choose something which you have the interest to write.
  • Choose Platform: There are various blogging platforms you can choose from.
  • Choose Domain for your blog
  • Choose Web Hosting for your blog
  • Make Your Blog Online: Install WordPress & Go Online. ( full details below )
  • Choose your blog Style: Select from hundreds of free templates or paid ones.
  • Share Your Blog: Promote your blog online so that people can find and read your blog.
  • Monetize Your Blog: Display Ads or Choose other methods to make money from your blog.


If you happen to know some of the stuff below or already completed a few steps then you can skip and move on to the next step. It will save you time & make you more productive.

How to make a blog in 5 minutes from start with little or zero experience.

I make this guide for users who are just starting out to make a blog with little or no knowledge about blogging.

If you follow all steps carefully in the next 5 minutes you will have your own brand new blog online.

& it will be the most unique & different blog from the rest of the world.


Step 1: Choose your blog topic & Domain name for your blog.

  1. Choose a topic that you have an interest in & love to write about.
  2. Select a domain about your topic & It should be easy to remember.
  3. Your domain should be easy to pronounce and easy to type.

Remember these things before you choose your domain name. Then you will unlock the 1st stage of your blogging career.

The name of your blog is the most important thing for every successful blogger out there. A domain name is a URL of your blog which visitors see on Search Engine & on their browser tab.

For e.g

When you choose a free platform like or then you will get a free subdomain for e.g &

You can also choose a custom domain for your free blog platform. But I will suggest you choose your own hosting and domain if you are serious about your blogging career.

So what is a custom domain?

A custom domain is e.g but it’s not free. You will need to spend around $10 to $ 15 depending upon the extension you use. And also the duration you choose. I will share your tricks below to buy the domain less than the above amount or free of cost 🙂

Now, I will give you some important tips which other guides won’t tell you. I am sharing my most important experience.

  • Always choose .com extension for your domain because it will rank faster in Google.
  • Always choose easy to remember domain which should not be similar to other famous domain out there.
  • Choose Bluehost for your domain and hosting purpose. It is the fastest and reliable & used by all famous bloggers in the world. Because your site speed matters when Google ranks your website.

You can also use the Bluehost domain suggestion feature to get the most simple & easy to the type name. Add your topic name and it will show you all available domain name suggestions.

Remember my above suggestions while choosing your domain name. And below I am giving some suggestions not to do while choosing a domain name for your blog.

  • Never ever choose a long domain name. Keep your character below 12 e.g reddyblog
  • Never ever use domain extension like .org, .net , .info etc because it will not rank as good as .com extension.

Step 2: Choosing Hosting for your brand new blog:

Remember these choices can make or break your blogging career so be wise.

For this tutorial, I am picking the WordPress platform for blogging. & Every new or pro blogger should choose WordPress only. Because it’s easy to use and lots of support online available in every area.

So let’s Choose Hosting for our WordPress platform. Hosting is basically a server where our site stays 24*7 with all text, images, designs & comments everything is stored on the server.

The good thing about hosting is that you can get good hosting at a very cheap amount nowadays.

There are thousands of hosting available online but I will recommend you to choose Bluehost as your hosting platform. It offers every feature that every blogger requires.

So what makes Bluehost differentiate from its competitors.

  • They are providing Free SSL
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited storage
  • The free domain name (Saving of $12/year)
  • Easy to use cPanel.
  • Live chat support
  • 30 days money-back guarantee

& most important part they are only charging $2.95/month

I will show you how to buy hosting.

  • First, go to
  • Then click on the Get Started Button

Select plans which suited your needs. If you are just starting out with only one blog. Then choose a basic plan & if you plan to create several blogs then choose plus one & So on.

After Selecting your desired plan you can now claim your one-year free domain on the very next page. Didn’t I told you above about free of cost domain 🙂 If you still not choose your domain name & want to decide for later then you can choose option later on.

After that fill your all information on the next page. Remember to click or skip a few extra packages on this page to save some money. You can still select them later on.

Skip all extra packages if you don’t need or you don’t know anything about that.

Underpayment information. You can pay via several methods like credit/debit cards & Paypal etc.

Once payment is Successfully done. Bluehost will create your blog in a few minutes. Its automatic process which saves you tons of time. It’s very easy for new beginners & you will get your brand new blog up & running.

If you are a visual learner you can watch the video below which will help you set up your blog.

Embed Video

Here’s The Exciting Part:

After you are done buying your hosting and free domain from Bluehost. They will automatically install WordPress for you. You don’t have to do anything.

But further moving ahead watch the video below to understand how Bluehost dashboard works?

Embed Video

Step 3: Selecting The Blogging Platform

As we discussed earlier. We are choosing WordPress as our blogging platform. But you might wonder why to use WordPress?

Because Most of Successful bloggers use WordPress.

WordPress is very easy to use & Popular blogging Platforms.

& if you don’t know around 30% of the world’s websites are powered by WordPress.

WordPress users make 42 Million New Posts & 62 Million New Comments Every Month.

More than 1.2 Million People Hosted WordPress Site For Every 6 Months.

WordPress is by far the Most used CMS of All time.

Step 4: Setting Up Your Blog

As I said above that Bluehost will automatically install WordPress for you. But however you are not done yet, you will need to write your Blog Title, Descriptions & tags. Which fits for your blog branding & after that You will write your 1st blogpost.

Let me describe steps in details

When you log in for the very first time, Bluehost will present you with a very simple wizard. And you can easily set up your WordPress blog by following through it.

If you don’t see setup then You shouldn’t be worry Because Its easy to install WordPress with Bluehost. Just go to my sites and Create a Site as shown in the below image.

Then fill out all the wizards Like Site Name & Tagline for your site etc. And also username and password for your WordPress blog etc

When you finished all this then you can access your WordPress blog dashboard by typing wp-admin after your URL




How much I am earning from Blogging?

I have started blogging for the last 3 years. In the beginning, I wasn’t that active and not doing that great. But when I pick up the pace then I haven’t stopped since then. I am sharing my income proof with you guys so that you can also become motivated. And start your blogging journey right now. Also remember, It won’t happen in one night. It requires dedication and especially passion to earn passive income from blogging. 

See how my Email Subscriber increases from time to time. Email Subscriber is generating most of the income right now.

For Every Successful blog, traffic plays an important role. I have done massive work on SEO for my blog & now I am getting tons of organic traffic

So if you are wondering how I am getting this ton of free traffic. For that you should learn SEO to do blogging. 


So what is a recent buzz around blogging industry in 2019

The blog industry sees small to large changes every year. Below, I am briefing Massive changes in the blogging industry in the year 2019

  • The number of people going online keeps increasing
  • Despite booming in video industry Blog readers keep increasing
  • Mobile platform keep increasing & Number of people reading blogs on mobile only
  • English Still remain the Main language of the blog
  • More brands   to focus on bogging
  • More visual content like infographics is kept growing
  • People reading more personalized content
  • Brand partnership will increase income and revenue. 
  • Posts are now optimizing for voice search
  • There is also buzz that the robot will start writing a blog post in the very near future.

Frequently Asked Questions about blogging

How can beginners make money from a blog?

Beginners can make money from the blog. By driving traffic to their site from social media. And putting ad networks like AdSense & Affiliate Marketing.

How many posts should you make daily?

If you are writing a small article. Then one post daily can be enough. But If you want to write longer content then 2 or 3 articles a week is enough.

When to start monetizing your blog?

When there is daily enough traffic like 200 or 300 visitors daily. Then you can start monetizing your blog.


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