60+ Latest Tensorflow interview questions and answers

60+ Latest Tensorflow  interview questions and answers
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In this article, you will learn about 60+ Realtime Tensorflow interview questions and answers for freshers, experienced professions and junior scientists.

What is tensorflow ?
What is latest Version of Tensorflow ?
Why you have to choose tensorflow rather than other deep learning frameworks ?
Can we use tensorflow for machine leanring ?
What is difference between deeplearning and machine learning ?
What is difference between Tensorflow and Keras ?
What is difference between tensorflow and theano ?
What is difference between tensorflow and pytorch ?
How can you find overfitting in tensforflow ? How can you avoid it ?
How can you find underfitting in tensforflow ? How can you avoid it ?
What is tensor ?
What is variables in tensorflow ?
What is constant in tensorflow ?
What is placeholders in tensorflow ?
What is difference between placeholder and variable ?
What is graph in tensorflow ?
What is session in tensorflow ?
What is rank, shape, and type in tensorflow ?
What is autograph ?
What is TPU and GPU ? Whey they we need ?
How can your convert numpy arrays to tensors ?
You can convert by using tf.convert_to_tensor() function.
What are tensor operators ?
Tf.add  is equals to x+y
Tf.subtract  is equals x-y
Tf.multiply  is equals x*y
Tf.div is equals x/y
Tf.mod is equals  x % y
Tf.abs is equals |x|
Tf.negative  is equals -x
Tf.sign  is equals  sign(x)
Tf.square is equals x*x
Tf.round  is equals round(x)
Tf.sqrt  is equals sqrt(x)
Tf.pow  is equals  x^y
Tf.exp  is equals e^x
Tf.log  is equals log(x)
Tf.maximum  is equals max(x, y)
Tf.minimum is equals min(x, y)
Tf.cos  is equals cos(x)
Tf.sin  is equals sin(x)
What is tensorboard ?
Can you do matrix operation in tensorflow ?
Can you do segmentation in tensorflow ?
What is Ragged Tensors ?
How can you import and export models using tensorflow ?
What are High Level APIs in tensorflow ?
Eager Execution,
Importing Data,
How can you import data in tensorflow ?
How can you do Debugging in TensorFlow ?
How can you one hot encoding in tensorflow ?
You can do by using tf.one_hot() function. 
How many types of Linear models in Tensorflow ?
Can we implement regression in Tensorflow ? If Yes? What is function Name ?
Can we implement classification in Tensorflow ? If Yes? What is function Name ?
Can we implement decision trees in tensorflow ? If Yes? What is function Name ?
What is Neural Network ?
How can you implement in simple Neural Netwok in tensorflow ?
What is CNN and What are applications of convolution neural network ?
How many layers in CNN ? How they mean  ?
How can you implement CNN in Tensorflow ?
What is RNN and What are applications of convolution neural network ?
How many layers in RNN ? How they mean  ?
How can you implement RNN in Tensorflow ?
How can you implement speech recognition in Tensorflow ?
Can we use Tensorflow libraries for NLP ?
What is word embedding in tensorflow ?
What is Sequence modeling ? When we can use this ?
How can you implement LSTM network in tensorflow ?
What is Distributed Training in TensorFlow ?
What is Pipeline in tensorflow ?
What is transfer learning ?
What are pre-trained models available in Tensorflow ?
Can you implement Chatbot using Tensorflow ? If yes/ How you can do that ?
How to Retrain an Image Classifier for New Categories ?
What is text generation ? How can you implement in Tensorflow ?
What is Image recognition ? How can you do in tensorflow ?
What is Image segmentation ? How can you do in tensorflow ?
What is Image Captioning ? How can you do in tensorflow ?




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