11 Ways to Use SEMRush To Increase 500% Traffic

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SEMrushis simply a one-stop solution for all your SEO and PCC needs. If you feel like your competition has been crushing you abysmally when it comes to the search engine results, you must embrace SEMrush today! There are a plethora of reasons why using SEMrush can be a great choice for SEO, PPC, and even your content marketing strategy. Let us check them out!

It is important to note that your keyword strategy should always be the bedrock when it comes to your content marketing plans. In a short sentence, your customers will be able to locate you through the keywords you employ. SEMrush helps in this regard by identifying all of the keyword phrases that promise the maximum search traffic for your website. Therefore, it offers you a plethora of SEO intelligence to enhance your content strategy and keyword optimization. With the help of SEMrush, you can discuss various keyword variations related to a specific root word. Thanks to this, you will understand just how individuals search the web much better.

  • Comparative Competitive Intelligence

It is super important to understand how well your website is doing before you delve into how your competitors are performing and the things that they are doing right. Entering your website link on the SEMrushtool allows you to go to an overview section. Here, you can easily gain insight into the kind of traffic your website is generating and whether it is organic or paid. In addition to that, you can also check whether your traffic is improving or worsening with time on a real-time basis as well as how your website is performing on Google. Then, you can compare these statistics with those of your competitors to get more intelligence into how you can come out at the top.

  • Get New Keyword Opportunities

If you wish to brainstorm in order to identify better keyword opportunities and ideas, you cannot get a better tool than SEMrush. For instance, if you click on “content marketing” as a keyword on the SEMrush tool, you will also find a lot of other associated keyword variations to the main keyword such as “content marketing success,” “content marketing case studies,” and “effective content marketing.” Therefore, each time you tap on any one of these many keywords, you will get new keyword opportunities. This will allow you to create better content and hence, more traffic to your website with time.

  • Analyze & Strategize

It is also important to understand that there are several blogs in the online world that are quite similar to yours. Therefore, in order to do well yourself, you also need to be able to understand just how your competition is faring. The SEMrush tool enables the users not just to check out how their competitors are performing but also what they are doing to stay ahead of the competition. Using this tool, you will also be able to check the keyword list they are using that is allowing them to excel in the search results of Google. With this information in your back pocket, it becomes easy for you to analyze and strategize in order to come out at the top and use all that insight to your advantage.

  • Analyze the Competition of Your Competitors

With the SEMrush tool, you can do more than just analyze how your competition is doing. This tool goes one step further and allows you to analyze how the competition of your competitors is doing. In short, this tool finds out for you all the websites related to yours for similar keywords that are ranking well. After that, the tool provides you with a concrete estimate of how much traffic was generated using the top 20 keywords that were used by all these websites. As a result, when you get all this info, you will be able to analyze their traffic levels as well as design your own strategy while taking this into consideration.

  • Track Current Rankings and Your Past

It becomes super easy to track your current as well as past rankings with SEMrush. With this tool, you can check out and follow the progression or regression of your website’s rankings on Google and other search engines over a period of time. With this information, you can understand what worked in your favor and what did not. Maybe a blog post you wrote a year ago helped with your ranking or maybe something you did wrong led to regression. Hence, this will help you continue with the strategies that worked for you and get rid of the ones that did not do you any favors.

  • Retain Your Existing Traffic

In addition to helping you get new and improved traffic to your website;SEMrush also assists you in ensuring that you do not lose out on the existing one and are able to retain it. In this respect, it is important to ensure that you look after your existing traffic. Although new traffic might help you in ranking highly for some time, if you are not able to retain the existing ones, you will not be able to continue with the success for a very long time. SEMrush allows you to select the things that you want to track, and then, you can compare all the results with that of your competitors. You can also retrieve information from Google Search Console and Google Analytics to help you do just that.

  • Find Better Opportunities for Advertising

Advertising opportunities such as displaying some ads on your website or your blog are the best way to make money online. A lot of businesses online pay a good deal of money for you to generate traffic through the tool of Google AdWords. That said, when it comes to competitive keywords, AdWords can be a bit expensive. Therefore, if you wish to monetize your website or blog, it is a good idea to invite companies to display their advertisements on your website. Alternatively, you can even join their affiliate programs. SEMrush can help you in this regard by identifying the keywords with which you have been trying to rank your website on Google and then looking for businesses on the web that are currently paying for such Pay-Per-Click ads. As a result, you will be able to locate the right companies to reach out to for excellent advertising opportunities to make money.

  • Create A Good Guest Blogging Strategy

It is no secret that guest blogging is definitely one of the best and most effective strategies for content marketing. There are countless websites online that accept guest blogs. That said, there are so many such websites that it can get challenging to locate the best websites where you must carry out the guest blogging. This is precisely where SEMrush comes into the picture. This tool allows you to carry out your own research on a blog or a website that you have been considering for guest blogging in order to determine its weaknesses and strengths. As a result, you will be able to understand if it would be a good idea to post your blogs on their websites.

  • Beat Your Competitors in Identifying Excellent Advertising Opportunities   

Another thing this tool allows you to do is that it helps you find excellent advertising opportunities long before your competitors do. SEMrush allows you to find out the following things about the businesses that you are keen on advertising on your website or your blog:

  • All the domains that are currently paying for the traffic
  • The keywords that are targeted by their ads
  • All the common keywords that these businesses are currently bidding for and which your blog or website is ranking for
  • The traffic that is generated by their ads
  • And finally, how much it costs to drive traffic through all these ads

With all this information with you, you will easily be able to convince businesses to advertise on your blog or website.

  • Perform Backlink Analysis

Finally, it is no secret that the goal of a good content marketing strategy should be to receive more inbound links when it comes to the content. Moreover, links are the internet’s best currency. You must always have a link building strategy, properly designed as a content marketer. Using SEMrush, you can get insight into exactly where your competitors have obtained their backlinks from as well as the total number of backlinks that they possess. Thanks to this insight, you will be able to better design an effective backlink strategy for your blog/website.

Hence, these are some excellent reasons to use the SEMrush tool and avail of all its services as soon as possible. It can be just what you need to get ahead of the curve and get your blog or website to the success it deserves to go.

Now, let try this tool for 7 days to for free understand more about SEMrush!


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