What is the Future of Java Technology?

What is the Future of Java Technology?
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Over the last few years, the world has raised questions concerning the future of Java. This discussion is necessary because technology has led to the development of other tools that are threatening to outdo Java as we know it. As of now, Java is still the reason behind the increase in the number of developers in the world. This is because Java is very easy to learn, is highly dynamic, offers free learning, and many other factors, which make it popular. According to research, approximately 63.1% of developers across the globe reported continuing to use Java besides other programming languages such as Python, HTML/CSS, and SQL. Currently, the world has 26.2 million developers, and we expect this number to reach 28.7 million by the year 2024. From this projection, Java is still the future and its developers are doing their best to continue making it relevant. Vast companies, such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon, still take pride in using Java to develop various software development processes. If this is the case then, does this guarantee that Java will still be valid in the future? To answer this question, continue reading our article. It aims to explain the basics of Java, its principal features, and above all, what is its future. So, shall we begin?

What is Java?

In simple terms, Java is a programming language. It was discovered in June 1991 by James Gosling and Patrick Naughton. The primary goal of these two inventors was to come up with a user-friendly and secure programming language that could serve multiple functions. Originally, the idea was to support interactive television but didn’t work as expected because its digital cables did not support Java technology. June 1990 marked the beginning of a never-ending journey of Java versions, making Java a giant in the industry. Java developers have created various editions over the years which all enable developers to code and execute commands written in Java. Each version is unique, although they all have one principal goal, which is programming. These versions include:

  • Java Standard Edition (J2 Platform and Standard Edition/J2SE). This is the most basic Java technology and enables developers to create and deploy specific codes within the server and other desktop environments.
  • Java Enterprise Edition. This edition contains specific guidelines that developers use in Java SE 8 to reinforce better functionalities.
  • Java Micro Edition. This uses portable cables in mobile devices, such as phones, laptops, etc.
  • Oracle launched the latest versions of Java in 2020, which include:
  • Java 14. This edition has many useful features that replace the traditional ways that Java works. It contains pattern matching, switch expressions, text blocks, etc., tools used to simplify programming.
  • Java 15. Also known as JDK 15 and was launched in September 2020. It has the best features compared to Java 14, as most of its features are automated. It is 11.24% faster than version 11 as well.

As of 2021, over 69% of developers worldwide were still using Java despite the stiff competition Java faces. Most of these developers argued Java is dynamic, highly comprehensive, and has wide use in business industries. This makes Java present in almost every aspect of human life in sectors like automotive, retail, finance, and others. Most Android developers still rely on Java, and this means that Java programming will still be very relevant in the future. But how is this possible? To know this, it is critical to analyze key sectors that use Java as their dominant programming language. They include:

Automotive Industry

The automotive industry is ever-growing and is here to stay. As the world transitions to become more digital, the more humanity is becoming smarter and making smart cars. Elon Musk, over the last few years, has proven to the world that nothing was impossible through his introduction of supercars. For instance, the latest model of Tesla is autonomous and relies on computer programming to operate. This computerization relies on Java as its primary programming language, besides other technological tools. Java is the programming behind super fast-moving cars that do not emit harmful gases to harm the environment. If Tesla technology is the future of the automotive industry, how can Java not remain relevant? BMW is another company that highly uses Java in the programming of its software. JavaScript offers endless virtual capabilities that are integrated into the BMW iDrive coding system that is used to unlock your car, automatic driving, etc.

Designing Space Rovers and Shuttles

The moon landing in 1969 marked the first space exploration by humanity. Since then, humanity has always been in the constant invention of smart tools to enable us to conquer space again. Thank you to technology, because it has led to the invention of space shuttles and vehicles for space missions. NASA, for example, is one enormous company that has, over the years, used JavaScript programming widely. Spirit and Opportunity are two Rovers created with an aim of exploring the planet Mars. Spirit was programmed using Java and was in operation for 6 years, delivering tonnes of information to scientists. Opportunity relied on JavaScript programming during its 15 years of operation. There is nowhere written that these Rovers stopped functioning because of JavaScript programming malfunctions. In fact, the Java system in them remained very active in their last communication with humanity. This year (2022), NASA will test its Artemis 1, a shuttle aimed at exploring the moon since the late 1960ss. The same JavaScript technology will program human shuttles to ferry people to the moon by 2025.

Retail Industry

The retail industry is one of the rapidly growing sectors. This growth has been contributed by the selling of high-quality products and improved customer services. Companies like Walmart, Alibaba, and the rest still choose Java over the rest because of its simplicity, security, and platform independence. Programmers from these retail stores use Java to build various types of applications for eCommerce. Java enables these stores to run smoothly, delivering quality services to millions of customers and reaping huge profits.

The Financial Sector

Java programming plays a huge role in the finance sector. Since its introduction decades ago, Java has served millions of customers across the globe, although few people know that. To help you have an idea, let us use a perfect example. If you have ever been to the bank, I’m certain that you know what debit and credit cards look like. These are the cards that enable you to withdraw the cash or use it to make purchases. Java is the technology behind these cards, enabling you to transact the money remotely. The Java Card Runtime Environment, for instance, contains specific rules that define the characteristics of all Java-based smart cards such as Visa and MasterCard. The Java Card API is another specification that defines the framework of Java programming for smart-card applications.

Reasons Java Has a Bright Future

Java is Easy to Learn

JavaScript is the easiest programming language in the world. Developers who have mastered Java language, most of them navigate applications programming with ease because of language similarities. Java uses syntax that uses the English language that we use, making it easier for any user to adapt. Its coding system is remarkably clean and structured in ways that only make learning more interesting. Java eliminates complex technicalities encountered while programming. Its Object-oriented design enables learners to create modular programs and reusable codes, which form the basis of any application or software. Most programming experts we have in the world learn to code using Java. Why? Because JavaScript is very easy to write, compile and debug. This explains why young children can learn to code and master this art using JavaScript.

Excellent Tools

JavaScript has many features and tools that most programming languages don’t have. Eclipse and NetBeans, for instance, are special features that have made Java the best programming language in the world. There are other Java built-in tools such as Notepad++ and DOS editor which enable developers to create applications and software faster and in a more efficient manner. Maven, ANT, Jenkins, Visual VM, and Decompilers are very key in real-time web development because they offer powerful debugging capabilities. These tools also make it easier to integrate Java into desktop and web servers. Java tools are also important in the development of android phones as it safeguards the native code from memory leaks, hence improving the efficiency of these devices. Functionalities of every part of an Android device cannot be complete without JavaScript coding.

Java is Free

Java, unlike many programming languages, is free. This means that any programmer who intends to learn to code and applications development can use Java freely. Most of the programming languages that we have are quite expensive, hence discouraging many potential developers from using them. Java offers various many excellent learning tools that are easy to use when creating software and other applications. This ability to offer free learning materials to the user has made Java popular, and this explains why it is used by over 10 million developers worldwide. For this reason, Java has continued and will continue to be the most-used programming language in the tech world.

Java is Independent

One of the key features that define Java is the ability to remain independent over the years. Being independent means that Java does not rely on any other applications or software to be effective. Java uses the magic of Bytecode to run independently, requiring no input from other applications. First, java basic codes are converted into Bytecodes by the compiler tool. Once Bytecode is created, it becomes a platform-independent code that can be executed on several other platforms, such as Windows JVM, Linux JVM, MacOS JVM, etc, something other programming languages cannot deliver. Because JavaScript is also lighter, it is therefore better suited for interactive apps.

Excellent Documentation Methods

Documentation is an integral part of every programming process. Each programmer must have a good mastery of documentation because one mistake can lead to poor quality of the final application or software. Java has excellent documentation support known as Javadoc. This document teaches you all the tools concerning Java APIs and other tools which play an important role in storing data. Proper storage of information helps developers in various ways, such as keeping track of all important codes of applications, stages involved in developing an application, specific features for each stage, and many others. Coding involves a lot of characters and numbers, which can be difficult to master at once. Again, developing an application or software takes some time and a human brain cannot grasp every number or letter involved in every stage of development. To help prevent poor outcomes, Java offers a secure documentation system that records every stage and stores this data. In case you want to continue creating an application, for instance, you can just go to Javadoc and collect all the details from your last activity and continue. Javadoc offers additional documents for development, maintenance, and knowledge transfer to other developers, something other programming languages don’t offer.

The Bottom Line

Java is one of the best programming languages in the world. Since its discovery in 1991, Java has helped to transform how humanity performs various activities. It is widely used in multiple industries, such as automotive, robotics, android devices, retail, finance, and many others. As technology continues to advance, Java has faced a lot of competition which has put its future into question. Currently, C lang, Abstract, Golang, Python, and Scala are the most popular alternatives to Java and are threatening to outperform its popularity. However, its developers have argued that Java is still relevant and will still be widely used in the market. This is true because some of the great companies in the world, such as Netflix, Tesla, BMV, Walmart, and others, are still using Java to program their software and applications. Java is still very relevant in robotics and NASA space shuttles, and this means that it is indeed a giant in the industry, and it’s here to stay. Despite the competition, Java is very popular among developers because of its outstanding features and usability in the internet of things (IoT). Therefore, Java is going to be around for years because its developers are using its competition to create smart features for the future. To learn more about the future of Java, click here:




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