25+ Python Flask Interview Questions and Answers

25+ Python Flask Interview Questions and Answers
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Here is best Flask Interview Questions and Answers to crack the interview easily for freshers and experienced professionals.

What is Flask ?
Who is the founder of Flask ?
What are the features of Flask Python?
What are the advantages of Flask Python?
How long can an identifier be in Flask Python?
How is memory managed in Flask Python?
What do you mean by template engines in Flask Python?
How can one-access sessions in Flask Python?
What is Flask-WTF and what are their features?
Explain how can one-request database connections in Flask?
What do you mean by pickling and unpickling?
Explain can a request context be created in Flask Python?
What are the HTTP methods provided by Python Flask?
What do you mean by the Thread-Local object in Flask Python?
What are the requirements to create the database in Flask Python?
Mention how one can enable debugging in Flask Python?
What do you mean by NumPy? Is it better than a list?
What do you mean by a decorator?
How to connect apis in flask ?
How to work with angular js and flask ?
How to work with reactjs and flask ?
Explain how can you structure a large Flask application?
Is Flask support ORM ?
What is Scaffolding in flask ?
What are the major differences between Pyramid and Flask?
What are the major differences between django and Flask?


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