Top 50+ Computer vision and opencv interview questions and answers

Top 50+ Computer vision and opencv interview questions and answers
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Here is the list of best Computer vision and opencv interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced professionals.

If you are not still yet completed machine learning and data science. Here is the list of machine learning interview questions, data science interview questions, python interview questions and sql interview questions.

Here is the list of Best Computer Vision Courses to get more knowledge on computer vision from experts.

What is computer vision ?

It’s Subset of AI. Computer vision is an interdisciplinary scientific field that deals with how computers can be made to gain high-level understanding from images or videos

What are languages supported by Computer vision ?

C++, Python, Matlab,

What are computer vision libraries ?

OpenCV – python, Java

How many algorithms in opencv ?

2500 optimized algorithms

What is CUDA ?

What is OpenGL ?

What are machine learning algorithms available in opencv ?

Normal Bayes Classifier

K-Nearest Neighbors

Support Vector Machines

Decision Trees


Gradient Boosted Trees

Random Trees

Extremely randomized trees

What is Images stitching?  How can you do with opencv ?

What is Computational Photography ? How can you do with opencv ?

How you can you connect your webcam to opencv ?

How can you do objection detection in opencv ?

What are face recognition algorithms ?

Haar Cascades, Eigenfaces, Fisherfaces

How  Haar Cascades algorithm works  ?

How can you do face detection in opencv ?

How can you detect eye in Open CV ?

What is Cascade Classifier in Open CV ?

How can you detect corner of images using OpenCV ?

How many types of image filters in OpenCV ?

  • Averaging
  • Gaussian Filtering
  • Median Filtering
  • Bilateral Filtering

How can you do Feature Detection in Open CV ?

How many types of video filters in OpenCV ?

  • Color Conversion
  • Thresholding
  • Smoothing
  • Morphology
  • Gradients
  • Canny Edge Detection
  • Contours
  • Histograms

How can do Image processing in opencv ?

How can you do image compression in opencv ?

How can you do image resize in opencv  ?

How can you convert black and white image to color image using computer vision ?

What is video analysis  in Opencv ?

How can you do detect objections video ?

how you would create a 3D model of an object ?

How can you remove red eye from photos using in opencv ?

How can you connect GPU with opencv ?

How can you integrate open cv with android ?

How can you integrate open cv with ios?

Don’t miss it, Here is the list of Best Computer Vision Courses to get more knowledge on computer vision from experts.


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