Angular 7 Interview Questions and Answers

Angular 7 Interview Questions and Answers
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Here is the list of best Angular 7 Interview Questions ..

  1. What is Angular 7?
  2. What are new features added in angular 7 ?
  3. What is Typescript ?
  4. What is the difference between angular 2 and angular 7 ?
  5. What is the difference between angular and angularjs ?
  6. What is IVY Renderer? Is it supported by Angular 7?
  7. What are the Core Dependencies of Angular 7?
  8. How to update Angular 4,5, 6 to Angular 7?
  9. Explain the Architecture overview of Angular.
  10. Explain Bazel?
  11. How to generate a class in Angular 7 using CLI?
  12. How can you create a decorator in Angular?
  13. How can you handle events in Angular 7?
  14. What are directives in Angular7?
  15. What is the difference between Structural and Attribute directives in Angular?
  16. What are components in Angular 7 ?
  17. What is TestBed in Angular?
  18. Explain activated route in Angular?
  19. What is NgUpgrade?
  20. Enlist few advantages with AOT?
  21. What are the ways to control AOT compilation?
  22. Explain router outlet?
  23. What is subscribing in angular ?
  24. What is multicasting in Angular?
  25. Explain UrlSegment Interface in Angular 7?
  26. What is difference between pure and impure pipe in Angular?
  27. What is difference between Parameterizing and Chaining Pipe?
  28. Enlist type of forms in supported by Angular 7?
  29. What is Do Bootstrap (ng Do Bootstrap) In Angular 7?
  30. What is a template in Angular7?
  31. What is module ?
  32. What is an observer ?
  33. What is an observable ?
  34. What does a just-in-time (JIT) compiler do (in general)?
  35. What is ngUpgrage?
  36. Why would you use lazy loading modules in Angular app?
  37. What is Ivy Renderer? Is it supported by Angular 7?
  38. What is incremental DOM? How is it different from virtual DOM?
  39. What is the difference between pure and impure pipe?
  40. What is the difference between BehaviorSubject vs Observable?
  41. What is the Angular equivalent to an AngularJS “$watch”?
  42. Name some differences between SystemJS vs WebPack?
  43. What is difference between Just-in-Time (JiT) vs Ahead-of-Time (AoT) compilation
  44. Why angular uses url segment?
  45. How to change url settings in Angular7 ?
  46. How to create seo frienly urls in angular 7 ?
  47. Why did the Google team go with incremental DOM instead of virtual DOM?
  48. Why Incremental DOM is Tree Shakable?
  49. Who are using angular 7 ?
  50. What are projects did you worked on angular 7 ?


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