Python Identifiers & Reserved Words

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Python Identifiers :

An identifier is a name used to identify the variables, functions, classes, objects, and modules.
You don’t have to use special characters like “@,$,%” in identifiers.

Python Reserved words :

Python has a list of a reserved word for a specific task. We are not allowed those words as identifiers.
Here is the list of words:
1. and
2. exec
3. not
4. assert
5. finally
6. or
7. break
8. for
9. pass
10. class
11. from
12. print
13. continue
14. global
15. raise
16. def
17. if
18. return
19. del
20. import
21. try
22. elif
23. in
24. while
25. else
26. is
27. with
28. except
29. lambda
30. yield
31. true
32. false
33. None


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