Udacity vs Pluralsight – A Detailed Comparison

Udacity vs Pluralsight – A Detailed Comparison
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 Learning skills to break into the IT industry used to be difficult to come by. You not only had to watch out for the website but also the information you were getting, avoiding anything outdated. Nowadays, it seems like everywhere you turn there is a new academy hitting the web that promises to deliver the best and most innovative ways to learn. Instead of doing all the digging yourself, we decided to step in and take care of the dirty work.


Two academies that come highly recommended are Udacity and Pluralsight but, how do they stand up when you put them head-to-head? In this review, we’ll take a look at both, comparing them in terms of content, price, courses, and more. By the end, you’ll have more than enough to choose from, starting your journey to growing and improving your IT skills.


An Introduction to Each Academy



Udacity hit the web a while before video lectures became the big deal that they are today. In the beginning, the video content was free and made by two Stanford University professors. The initial goal was to provide tech enthusiasts with a way to learn top tech topics for free no matter where they were located. What started as a small idea caught fire and rapidly spread across the web, landing in the lap of top-tier tech companies like Google, Uber, and Amazon. Now when students login and learn, they’re greeted with everything from free content to nanodegrees, most of which were created in collaboration with a-list names in the industry.



Pluralsight came into the game with the idea of bringing face-to-face courses to students that were looking to break into IT. Since its beginning in early 2004, they have climbed the ladder landing the title of one of the top companies to work with in the year 2018. Now, they have a ton of courses targeted at both individuals and tech companies to help them sharpen their skills. Courses include everything from software development to cloud computing and even cybersecurity. So, if you’re looking for anything IT, Pluralsight is a popular choice.


A Look at Learning Styles



All of the courses offered by Udacity are given in a video lecture form. This includes free content and nanodegree courses. They don’t just leave the teaching to anyone, taking care to choose instructors that have a long list of credentials both professionally and academically. In addition to video lectures, paid content is supplemented by small in-course projects and some have larger capstone projects toward the end to check for overall understanding. 



Pluralsight offers similar learning styles, with most courses in video format. The instructors include some of the top names in IT, and all content is looked over and approved before making its way to the platform. You can find courses that only last for 20 minutes and others that come with hours and hours of content that dive deep into more complex topics in IT.


A Look at the Platform



When you visit the Udacity homepage, you’re welcomed by an organized and visually pleasing page. You can see what courses are about to start, take a look at their long list of free content, or strike up a chat with an advisor to find out more. Everything that you need is found on the home page including prices, start dates, and duration. There is no hiding when it comes to prices and content, giving students a trusting sensation.



The high-tech-looking website that is set to a black and neon pink background is filled with useful information. You can make your way around the site with the sidebar, browsing all content including the hands-on practice section. Take a look at standard and advanced courses, getting a preview of each course along with the time that the video lecture lasts.


Are There Extra Features?



If you choose to take a course with Udacity, you’ll score a ton of extra features. For example, you’ll get access to your own mentor just in case anything goes wrong technically. Plus, you’ll score useful advice from career specialists that will help you get your resume in shape and even hold a mock interview with you. You can score feedback on your portfolio and projects and even access a community of other learners that will share their experience and lend an ear if you need it. All of this comes with the ability to learn flexibly, choosing when your login and learn.



When you sign up with Pluralsight, you score access to hands-on learning where there are new projects posted all the time. Test your skills with real-world issues and see how far your new skills can take you. In addition, you get access to Cloud Labs, which will help you with all things cloud-based and even skills assessments that help you see where you are in terms of your abilities. Jump into the job market knowing your worth and how well you stack up against those around you. 


How’s the Technical Support?



If you ever need to get ahold of someone from Udacity, you won’t have to go far. You can start a chat with someone from the homepage or request a video call. They also list a phone number where you can call them day or night for any questions or concerns or, if the matter is not urgent, send them an email over and get a response back in little to no time.



If you have a question, you can browse over the extensive list of FAQs to get the answer if you don’t feel like calling. If not, you can give them a ring or shoot them an email 24/ 365. They have a questionnaire as well if you have a detailed question where you can explain what you need to and get a call back within a reasonable time.


What’s the Cost? 



With Udacity, the amount that they charge you depends on a few things. First of all, the online academy charges by the amount of time that you have access to the course and extra features. Each month that you have access costs $359 and you can take as long as you want to finish up. To make it more affordable and give learners more an additional option, Udacity estimates the total amount of time that it will take and adds a discount to it if learners pay upfront. This takes off 15% and can result in pretty good savings in the end. 



If you’re looking for ways to get your hands on a number of different courses, then Pluralsight is a good option for a few reasons. First of all, it works off a subscription plan where you can choose to pay either yearly or monthly. As long as you pay the fees, you’ve got all courses on the entire website at your fingertips. Monthly, the subscription will run you $29 and yearly up to $299 for individual access. Other categories are set up for businesses or premium access that you can also take advantage of.


What Do Students Say?


When looking into any online academy, it’s best to take a look at what other learners had to say. No one’s experience is the say but, you can take what others have to say and use it as a way to help you make your choice. Here is what a few learners had to say.




“Yes, it did match my expectations, RL is a tough subject it takes time to learning. The content is awesome and the feedback of the correction of the project was great. I’m sure I’ll engaged in another Nanodegree after finish this one, I’ve also recommended the course to anyone how wants to learn RL from the beginning.” – Fernando F.


“Courses are taught by leading researchers in each area (i.e., true experts). Method of teaching is effective as it “breaks down” complex topics in a manner that should be more understandable. Deadlines and process of getting you there help put the pressure to keep you on track and help you meet your goals. Projects are interesting and quite challenging.” – Shubho G.


“You have to pass 10 coding assessments to complete the course and get your certificate of completion. This means you produce work of a good standard you can show an employer (via your GitHub account or on a website).Support is good during a course – post up a problem on the relevant course area and get someone providing valuable help (typically with projects) within a few hours (often within minutes). – Umberto G.




“The platform Pluralsight consists of many courses in many technical fields. It’s worth using and learning by pluralism, therefore. It also offers me a WordPress website to view the courses we study. I rather like it. But everyone can still learn offline. It’s likely to have a good understanding of self-improvement when studying how the success of learning is monitored. It has several cool characteristics. I love the new simplicity of working and learning with media. – Sarah H.


“This software is a state of an art technology tool that is available in multi languages so that one can download the courses according to needs. One of the best things is that it works very smoothly on the mobile even I face no issue having the online video sessions on the mobile version of this application. Pluralsight, give me freedom to get enrolled m self in certification practice exams that also includes industrial practice tests.” – Johanna F.


“Pluralsight courses are amazing. The best thing about Pluralsight is that they provide a full path to particular fields like ethical hacking, Python, Graphic designing, etc. Also, the Instructors of Pluralsight courses are really good.” – Gargi V.


Pros and Cons


Both academies have their share of good things but, that doesn’t mean that they’re perfect. Before we declare a winner, let’s look at the pros and cons.






  • Choose from a ton of courses that are taught by A-list instructors
  • The cost is high and keeps going up month after month
  • Get access to tons of extra features geared toward your success
  • Cost only includes one course
  • Enjoy the ability to learn at your own pace and on your own time
  • Take free courses or sign up for a nanodegree
  • Enjoy hands-on projects that come with expert critiques






  • Pay monthly and score access to all courses
  • Some courses are short and lack quality
  • Test your knowledge with hands-on projects that mimic real-world situations
  • There is no guarantee with some courses and some don’t come with a certificate
  • See how much you’ve improved with help from the assessment center
  • Learn from some of the most highly sought-after instructors out there


Can We Declare a Winner?


After looking at the two a little closer, we’re not sure if there is one that is better than the other. What we are sure of is that they are better for different reasons. If you’re looking for a way to brush up on skills and test your level, then Pluralsight is a great choice. There is no limit to the content that you can score access to and the price isn’t too shabby. On the other hand, if a certificate is what you’re after, then Udacity is the way to go. You’ll not only have a certificate but be able to choose one particular area within IT and improve your skills.


Whatever you choose, both of these online IT platforms are the best on the web. You’ll find lots of quality content and be able to test your knowledge by taking on projects and tests. Plus, each of them offers some sort of certification that you can use as proof of your newly learned knowledge. So, if you’re looking for a way to break into the world of IT or just take your skills to the next level, these online IT academies are where it’s at.


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