Udacity Data Science for Business Leaders Executive Program Review

Udacity Data Science for Business Leaders Executive Program Review
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Data is a big deal for businesses. It tells a detailed story about everything, helping them come up with data-driven solutions to solve advanced industry issues. Not only is data a big deal but, also those who work with data. They need someone that has the ability to take a look in from the outside, organizing them, and managing them to use their abilities when it comes to data.


That is where business leaders can take their skills one step up, getting into the exciting industry of data science. With the proper skills of how to make decisions and use them to paint a more detailed picture, you could have a highly in-demand skill that businesses will be running after! With Udacity Data Science for Business Leaders Executive Program, you could have those skills faster than you might think. Made in collaboration with Alteryx-one of the largest data analytics companies in the industry, this course seems to have it all- but does it? In this review, we’ll find out.


About Udacity

Udacity is an online academy known for its IT courses. Created by two computer science professors out of Stanford University, Udacity was first a free for all, inviting learners to come and learn as long as they had access to the internet. The video lectures were taught by the same professors that created the website, and a few other experts in the field.


As time went on, Udacity captured the attention of some of the best companies in the industry, some even collaborating with the academy in the creating of their Nanodegrees. Some of these companies include Uber, Mercedes, and Google, just to name a few-bringing real industry curriculum and hands-on projects into each and every course.


Udacity’s Courses

One of the great things about Udacity’s courses and nanodegrees is that they come with a ton of extras. These are perhaps the very reason why the academy is unlike many others out there, coming with a great curriculum and perks that set the academy apart. Each course and nanodegree come with:


Technical Support

Help is there if you need it around the clock. If you ever run into any trouble, you can reach out to your very own technical mentor, receiving the help you need to keep your learning going!


Career Coaching Services

That’s right-you have your very own coach! Not only will they help you put your resume in tip-top shape but, will also host a mock-interview before your big day. You won’t go in feeling unprepared, even from day one.


Real Industry Projects

Most of the projects are created in collaborations with companies that are really facing issues. They try to keep the projects as close to what learners will experience during their time in the industry, putting a close focus on making them as real as possible. Plus, each project is reviewed and given feedback from experts in the industry, helping you learn and grow every step of the way.


Flexible Learning

You can go at your own pace. You have the freedom to login and start learning whenever and from wherever you would like. The only thing you have to keep up with the project deadlines-making sure that you turn them in on time.


A-List Instructors

On top of everything else, Udacity courses are always taught by leaders in the industry. They search far and wide for the best in the business, most of which always includes those with impressive educational backgrounds.


Meet your Instructor

For this course, you’ll be led by Ed Wiley. Ed is currently the chief technology officer with Enveda Therapeutics. He has 20 years of experience working in the field, both building amazing machinery and advising companies of all sizes. As an advisor, he pushes to help companies create a solution to advanced business problems that they may be facing. He has been everything from a CIO to a CTO and even chief data scientist at some of the most noteworthy academies.


Course Breakdown

Businesses are making the switch to a more digital way of doing things, mostly taking advantage of the efficiency that comes with advanced technology. This course is targeted at some of those issues, attempting to give companies a better way to do business.


Are There Any Prerequisites?

Students will do best in this course if they have already spent time in business settings. This means that they know a thing or two about the kinds of issues that arise day to day and, they have foundations of IT or technical aspects of a business. besides having worked with some sort of industry-driven source, you should have a good grasp on statistics and mathematics, including mean, median, and mode.


Lesson One: Intro to Data Science

This part of the course is all about data science. You’ll learn what possibilities come with data science and how you can enhance any and every field. On top of learning exactly what data science is all about, you’ll also learn who data scientists are and what their day to day jobs consist of.


Lesson Two: Using Data Science in Business

The first thing that you need when applying data science as a solution to any problem is well, a problem! Everything starts with an analysis of what kinds of problems arise and how applying data science can help make them easier. For this reason, this part of the course hits on the different types of strategies and how they can be applied to the creation of solutions that will tackle real industry issues.


Lesson Three: Data Science and Human Capital

When it comes to creating a strong team of professionals with data science experience-you need to have a good idea of what to look for. This is the idea introduced in this section, helping you understand why the human aspect of data science is so important. You’ll also get a good lesson on the organization of your team once you get them set up and all together, learning how to create the best and strongest team to get the job done.


Lesson Four: Data Machine Learning Infrastructure

Using tools and technology is great but, not every tool works for every business. Depending on the types of information gathered from the data collected, different tools work in different ways. When it comes to creating the most effective plan for companies, a look at their collected data, and what kind of story it tells is a good place to start. Everything works together to create machine learning architectures that make business easier than ever to manage.


Capstone Project!

In this project, you will take on the role of the lead organizer for a team of data scientists. You will take all that you learned into consideration, creating a plan for the first 100 days of your new position. Take a look at the types of things that will make a business run smoother, using the help of both data science and machine learning to create the best solutions. In the end, you’ll analyze and present your findings, presenting as if you would to your new company. In the end, you’ll have a chance to get feedback from experts in the field, gaining your first true project before you’re even done with the course.


How Long Does the Course Take?

One of the best things about taking courses with Udacity is that they come without the need to stick to a strict schedule. When you sign up for a course, you can log in whenever you want, studying as much as you want during the week. The one thing that you do have to watch out for is the project deadlines, making sure that you comply with the schedule. As an estimate, Udacity claims that this course takes about 4 to 8 weeks when learners have about 5 hours per week to dedicate. That means that, even if you have a full-time job, you could still learn a bit if you’re ready for a career change.


How Much Does the Course Cost?

AS of right now, Udacity has a promotion going on to try the course free for 7 days. This is enough for you to get a feel of how everything will go, helping you to decide which option you’d like to pay. We say option because Udacity comes with two options to pay. Because this is a shorter course, they offer a discounted price for the 2 months of access estimated to complete the course. Doing it this way, the price comes to €729.


The thing about the cost is, you do have to be careful about slacking off too much. That is because, if you do, you could be a risk of getting charged for a whole other month. If you take more than two months, you will be charged Udacity’s price per month, which is €365. Just a heads up so that you get in and get done, saving a few bucks in the process.


What Do Learners Have to Say?

We always like to take a look at what those who took the course have to say about it. It is a great way to get a good feel of what you’re walking into so that there are no surprises. Get it straight from those who have actually taken the course below.


“Education is the only way to professional and personal development so I constantly like the commitment to learning also education that depends on the implementation of projects is one of the most important and best projects ever and this was my experience with nanodegree from Udacity it is a wonderful experience and I invite everyone to experience this excellent experience.” – Yahia N.


“It took our hands from scratch to be professional in data science with valuable content and simplified teaching.

Instructors and tutors are helpful, the webinar meeting helped me to do my first project.

The projects make me understand and practice very well.” – Diana S.


“The classes are short and to the point. That’s something I appreciate a lot. Being direct, short, meaningful with examples is brilliant. Including some real life examples and data with hands on would definitely add more to the course value.” – Ahmed S.


Can I Get a Job?


Data science is said to be one of the ‘sexiest jobs of the 21st century’ – hbr.com. Why? You may ask? Well, one of the biggest reasons is that data is important, even more so when you can actually read it. So many companies these days collect data-some not knowing what they can do with it. Every piece of data collected creates a very detailed picture for business, showing them what their customers are like when their hottest selling times are, and even how much of an impact they are making online.


A recent survey from MIT revealed that some 43% of companies claim to lack experts with the skills needed to help them reach their digital goals. They seem to be drowning with an overage of data, needing experts that know how to help them organize their teams and start making use of its detailed information. So, in short, you can get a job! Plus, you can move up the ranks faster than you might have ever thought possible, seizing the chance to break into the field now.


Last Things to Consider

So, is this course all that you’ve been looking for? Well, if you want a credible course that will launch you into a new and exciting field, the answer is yes! We were really impressed with this course, especially with its collaboration with Alteryx. Udacity is a great online option for learning, coming with the freedom to learn at your own pace, and enjoy career services created to help lead you into the industry faster than ever before. The only thing left to do now is register, getting yourself started in a whole new direction stepping your foot into one of the most in-demand jobs out there today.

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