range() vs xrange() in Python, Which one is best ? with example

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In this tutorial, you will know about range() vs xrange() in python.

First understand basic definition of range() and xrange().

range() function:

This is inbuilt function in python library. This function create lists with sequence of values. It’s mostly used in for loops. You have pass integer as arguments . This function comes with start and stop numbers. you can specify range that you want. If you want range with some steps you can use step argument.

Syntax : range(start, stop[, step])

for i in range(10): print(i) for i in range(1,10): print(i) for i in range(1,10,2): print(i)

xrange() function: 

xrange() similar like range function but it doesn’t have slicing. it will return xrange object. it will be used to save memory when a very large range is used on a memory-starved machine.

Syntax: xrange(start, stop[, step])

Compute Time for Range() and Xrange() functions

Note: xrange is not available in Python3. You have to use range() function to run on both versions. Here i am using python 3.x version, you will get error for xrange() function.  if you want to know about xrange() function try it python 2.x version.

import time start = time.time() #initializing 10000 random numbers using range() function a = range(1,10000) end = time.time() print(end - start) import time start = time.time() #initializing 10000 random numbers using xrange() function b = xrange(1,10000) end = time.time() print(end - start)

Compute Space for Range() and Xrange() functions

Note: xrange is not available in Python3. You have to use range() function to run on both versions.

import sys #initializing 10 random numbers using range() function a = range(1,10) print ("Memory size for a",sys.getsizeof(a)) #initializing 10 random numbers using range() function b = xrange(1,10) print ("Memory size for b",sys.getsizeof(a))



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