Python zip() Function with live practice example

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In this tutorial, you will learn, how to use python zip() function.

This function takes iterables as input and combine them and return as iterator.

We need to convert iterator to a list or tuple. we can also use set function to convert iterator.

Syntax : zip(*iterators)
Parameters : iterables like lists, tuples, strings etc
Return Value : Returns a single iterator object

Program to Combine 2 lists:

In this below program we zip to lists and then we print list of values from iterator object by using list function.

ids = [ 1,2,3,4 ] marks = [ 40, 50, 60, 70 ] mapped = zip(ids,names) print(list(mapped))


[(1, 'ravi'), (2, 'raju'), (3, 'ramu'), (4, 'sid')]

Program to Combine 3 lists:

In this program, we uses 2 numerical lists and 1 string list to zip.

ids = [ 1,2,3,4 ] marks = [ 40, 50, 60, 70 ] names =['ravi','raju','ramu','sid'] # using zip() function mapped = zip(ids,names, marks) print(list(result))


[(3, 'ramu', 60), (4, 'sid', 70), (1, 'ravi', 40), (2, 'raju', 50)]

By using set function:

ids = [ 1,2,3,4 ] marks = [ 40, 50, 60, 70 ] names =['ravi','raju','ramu','sid'] # using zip() function mapped = zip(ids,names, marks) result=set(mapped) print(result)


{(3, 'ramu', 60), (4, 'sid', 70), (1, 'ravi', 40), (2, 'raju', 50)}

Unzipping :  Here we are going unzip the lists from zip 

# using zip() function mapped = zip(ids,names, marks) result=set(mapped) ids, marks, names = zip(*result) print("ids list", ids) print("marks list", marks) print("names list", names)


ids list (3, 4, 1, 2)
marks list (60, 70, 40, 50)
names list ('ramu', 'sid', 'ravi', 'raju')

There is a bug in this above program, If you found it, comment here. Lets try.


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