7 Best SkillShare Courses

7 Best SkillShare Courses
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What I love the most about SkillShare courses is that they impart big lessons in a shorter amount of time. They equip you with all of the characteristics of the valuable information – providing you with the consistency, completeness, timeliness, uniqueness, and accuracy of the information. So, the information provided by SkillShare courses consists of all the elements of valuable information, making the SkillShare courses high-quality, useful, and accurate.

Best 2020 SkillShare Courses

SkillShare Courses are not expensive or demand a good amount of time. You can subscribe to the SkillShare by paying less than $10. The best part is that SkillShare gives you a two-month trial period, which allows you to decide whether you want to continue or not! For most subscribers, SkillShare proves to be the most effective and efficient platform. So, subscription continues.

Categories of Top SkillShare Courses in 2020

The top SkillShare courses are divided in the following categories:

  1. Graphic Design, Logo and Branding
  2. Photography
  3. Illustration
  4. UI/UX Design
  5. Creative Writing
  6. Freelance and Entrepreneurship
  7. Web Development

Best Skillshare Courses 2020

Following are some of the top SkillShare 2020 Courses, which had been ranked as the popular and enrolled courses:

1. Graphic Design, Logo and Branding

Graphic Design, Logo and Branding are one of the most beneficial careers, whose importance and value will be increased soon. Learning them will increase your potential to earn more, and achieve financial stability.

Following are two courses offered by SkillShare related to Graphic Design, Logo and Branding:

a. LogoType MasterClass with Jessica Hische (Original)

Jessica imparts her expertise and skills to the passionate and inspired Graphic Design students. You embark on a journey with Jessia where you transform your graphic design, logo, and branding skills from only good to the greatest.

Best Features of the Course:

  • For the “big picture”, there is a checklist lesson such as hierarchy or scale.
  • The lesson imparts you to sharpen your observatory skills, and hone your eye.
  • Learning advanced technique for polishing the vector logos in Adobe Illustrator
  • Tips on achieving higher results as a Freelancer.

Instructor of the Course:

Jessia Hische is the instructor of the course, who is an excellent letterer and illustrator. Jessica had worked for various companies and also took up Freelance work. She is an accomplished Letterer and Illustrator presently.

Course Details

Average Time Taken To Complete Course:

1 Hour, 32 Minutes

No. of Students Enrolled:

25, 722

Price of the Course:


Level of the Course:





2. Photography

With the evolution of the virtual world, photography is gripping the hold in every business strongly. No matter it is chemicals or clothes, photography generates leads, sales, and growth of the business. Photography had become an important profession – it is no more a hobby.

Following is the best SkillShare Course on the Photography:

a. iPhone Filmmaking: Create Cinematic Video With Your Phone

Filmmaking devices are held by everyone now mostly, but would that make you a filmmaker? Now, learn to equip yourself with the best skills and expertise with the iPhone you already have in your head. Instructors create videos that teach the fundamentals to the students that will come handy in every type of filmmaking.

Best Features of the Course:

  • Teaches you about the gears and apps that enable you to make the most cinematic footage.
  • The fundamentals of transferring and editing of the video.
  • Instructors teach you gimbals, tripods, and lenses.
  • The students are taught to film core shots and experimental shots.

Instructor of the Course:

Caleb Babcock and Nile Grey are instructors of the course, who are filmmakers at the Moment.

Course Details

Average Time Taken To Complete Course:

44 Minutes

No. of Students Enrolled:

13, 642

Price of the Course:


Level of the Course:





3. Illustration

The value of the digital illustration has grown up steadily, as it conveys the idea to the right audience in the most effective manner. Illustration invites the visitors to your website and holds a great value for the businesses. In the coming years, the value of Illustration will grow. SkillShare offers a great many courses on Illustration, from which the top course is defined below:

a. Illustrated Lettering: Drawing Intricate Floral Forms

This is an effective course, which helps you in combining the floral forms, lettering, and illustration in creative ideas. In the course, you learn to create designs by using intricate letterforms and floral designs in the way Gemma does.

Best Features of the Course:

  • Selection of flowers for deciding style, forms, and inspiration.
  • With black marker pens, the intricate illustration is carried out.
  • For large scale letterforms, the typeface guidance is created.
  • In Photoshop, the composition and collaging techniques are taught.

Instructor of the Course:

Gemma O’Brien is an Australian Artist, whose expertise lies in the typography, illustration, and lettering.

Course Details

Average Time Taken To Complete Course:

1 Hour, 08 Minutes

No. of Students Enrolled:

8, 261

Price of the Course:


Level of the Course:




4. UI/UX Design

With digital marketing, more and more businesses are entering the market. User Experience holds great importance in today’s competitive market.UI/UX Design is being used and handled by millions of businesses online. With a smoother and nicer website, they expand their businesses online to the global audience.

SkillShare offers one of the best courses on the UI/UX Design, which helps in maximizing the information and capabilities of the students:

a. Intro to UX: Fundamentals of Usability

This course takes you into the depths of the usability, exposing you to the most insightful and valuable information. This is a 90 minutes lesson, which makes you unique among other UX Designers.

Best Features of the Course:

  • Teaches a comprehensive introduction of the UX Design.
  • Helps in preparing designs of digital products for optimal usability.
  • With hands-on examples, students are taught to evaluate usability.
  • The instructor imparts knowledge regarding best reporting and recommendation.

Instructor of the Course:

Marieke McCloskey is the instructor of the course, who is Director of the Research at UserTesting.

Course Details

Average Time Taken To Complete Course:

1 Hour, 21 Minutes

No. of Students Enrolled:

17, 041

Price of the Course:


Level of the Course:





5. Creative Writing

Writing is one of the noblest professions. Writing is one of those professions that does not only earn money for the writer but also respect and a good reputation in the market. Writing does not have to be an innate quality; you can always learn to write by going through the fundamentals of creative writing.

a. Creative Non-Fiction: Write Truth with Style

Nonfiction is resurrecting once against, thanks to websites such as Medium and Longreads. With this SkillShare course, you will be able to transform the reality of the people into exceptional stories and inspiring characters.

Best Features of the Course:

  • The instructor shares her insights into the preparation which must be made to weave the best stories.
  • You have imparted knowledge regarding classic style, the fashion of the words, depth of the characters, and curiosity of the writing in this course.
  • In less than 2 hours, you are taught to build a unique and amazing profile of your own.
  • The content of the course polishes your skills as a writer and helps you in the construction of the best stories ever.

Instructor of the Course:

Susan Orlean is the instructor of the course, who is an acclaimed journalist.

Course Details

Average Time Taken To Complete Course:

1 Hour, 49 Minutes

No. of Students Enrolled:

13, 682

Price of the Course:


Level of the Course:

All Levels




6. Freelance and Entrepreneurship

Unemployment is rising day by day. There are so many graduates but there are no jobs suitable for them available in the market. To these bright minds, being their boss is the only option left. Freelancing credibility has grown steadily in the last few years. Entrepreneurship is also coming into the mainstream media, where students are applying their knowledge to the field and becoming bosses.

But to succeed, you need to have sufficient knowledge regarding your chosen field. SkillShare offers one of the best courses on the Freelance and Entrepreneurship.

A. Pricing Your Work: How To Value Your Work As a Freelancer

Determination of the pricing of the work is a hard task. You have to decide a price that gives back to you as well as remains fair to your employer. This effective course helps you in deciding the pricing of your work in the most effective manner.

Best Features of the Course:

  • You will be taken through various scenarios and tricks that will help you in learning good knowledge regarding the pricing and value of your work.
  • You learn the varieties of the options that will assist you in determining the price of your work.
  • The instructor will provide you with personal experience. With it, you will be enabled to price your work in the most effective manner.

Instructor of the Course:

Peggy Dean is the instructor of the course, who has passions and love for everything that is arts. From ballet, fire dancing to illustration and hand lettering, she has done it all. She shares her great freelancing experience with students in the course.

Course Details

Average Time Taken To Complete Course:

34 Minutes

No. of Students Enrolled:

7, 009

Price of the Course:


Level of the Course:

All Levels




7. Web Development

The profession of Web Development has a higher scope as many businesses and entrepreneurs are choosing the digital world. The digital world is handling stiff competition among market competitors. Web Developers can receive amazing benefits from this competition, and earn a handsome income. If you have the most remarkable and excellent web development skills and expertise, you will be earning a higher income than a bureaucrat.

SkillShare offers various courses on Web Development. Following is one of the most trending and popular courses on Web Development:

a. Hand-Coding Your First Website: HTML and CSS Basics Original

If you are a beginner, then this is the perfect course to start your web development career. This course covers the fundamentals of the course, which lets you know about the basics of HTML and CSS. CSS and HTML are fundamental programming languages, whose knowledge can earn you various projects on the Freelance.

In this course, you are taken on a journey to become a web developer in a day. You start to make a single-page website in this course in a short amount of time.

Best Features of the Course:

  • You will learn the basics of the CSS and HTML programming languages in this course.
  • You will learn to plan the style and type of your website most efficiently.
  • You will learn to write the code for your website in the most amicable environment – you will only follow the instructor. The instructor will define the code and assist you in building your website.
  • In the class, you will learn to build ideas for your website and apps. The creativity and innovation of ideas and concepts is the best takeaway of this course.

Instructors of the Course:

Rich Armstrong is the instructor of the course, who is the Product Designer. He is also a founder of the TapTapKaboom. He is simply a jack of all trades – a product designer, CEPO, Journalist, Unicorn, etc.


Course Details

Average Time Taken To Complete Course:

1 Hour, 28 Minutes

No. of Students Enrolled:

10, 888

Price of the Course:


Level of the Course:

Beginner Level


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These are the seven famous categories of the SkillShare, whose most famous 2020 e-courses have been detailed. These courses increase the capabilities, knowledge, expertise, skills, and information of the students to a greater extent. In 2020, these course categories will bring you success, financial stability, and the higher achievements that you dream. By learning the essential skills offered by these courses, you can establish a career or the best second source of passive income.


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