10 Best React Native Courses | Classes | Certifications | Tutorials

10 Best React Native Courses | Classes | Certifications | Tutorials
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There has never been a better time to start learning React Native. As a web developer, it’s possibly the hottest language that you can learn, as it will help you develop complex, cross-platform apps for both iOS and Android. Finding the right course to grow your skills is part of the game and we’re here with the top 10 best react native courses you can find online today.


1. The Complete React Native + Hooks Course from Udemy


Starting from the very basics and building up, this course takes learners on a journey through app development. It comes with source code that helps learners focus on the lectures and reusable components that help in the creation of their projects. By the end of the nearly 40-hour course, learners will have all that they need to confidently start developing with react native.

Top Features:


  • Learners will create several real-world apps throughout the course
  • All components written throughout the course are reusable and can be combined with the learner’s projects
  • All projects and apps developed throughout the course are deployable on Apple and Google Play stores.




Stephen Grider

Stephen is a Java enthusiast that has been in the business of building apps for industry leaders for several years. During his time learning the ropes, he’s developed an affinity for making the most difficult things easy to understand. During this course, he’ll share his knowledge with you and provide insight into a day in the life of a React Nativ developer.


Course Details:  
Course Duration: 38 hours, 25 minutes
No. of Students Enrolled: 142,799
Cost of the Course: $94.99
Course Level: Intermediate
Website: Visit Us


2. React Native – The Practical Guide from Udemy


This course is all about building and developing native iOS and Android apps. From the very basics to adding things like push notifications and Hooks, the course has 344 lectures that will guide learners through the process and even provide them with a unique perspective from someone in the field.


Top Features:


  • The course features a 30-day money-back guarantee just in case learners are not satisfied
  • Learners get to work with JavaScript and React to build native mobile apps
  • The content goes from basic to complex, introducing more difficult topics




Maximillian Schwarzmüller

Maximillian has been growing his programming skills since the age of 13. From learning the basics to developing websites for friends, he’s done it all. On top of that, he continued his studies in Business Administration, going for his Master’s degree that has expanded his knowledge of the field. He’s got a lot of useful information for learners in this course that he’s excited to share as he has with almost 20,000 students across the globe.


Course Details:  
Course Duration: 32 hours, 45 minutes
No. of Students Enrolled: 19,305
Cost of the Course: $139.99
Course Level: Intermediate
Website: Visit Us


3. React Native: Advanced Concepts from Udemy


This course wastes no time messing around and gets right to the more complex side of developing with react native. The course touches on everything from animations, to maps, and notifications, equipping learners with all they need to develop their first of many more apps.


Top Features:


  • The course introduces more complex concepts of react-native helping developers advance their skills and amp up their development
  • This course uses Expo and Firebase backend
  • Learners will leave with a well-rounded view of application development with react native




Stephen Grider

Stephen has been a mentor for engineers and developers for several years. Through his experience in the field, he shares his unique take on development and adds a bit of his industry expertise. He’s worked with top-notch tech companies of all sorts and come locked and loaded with a ton of info to share.


Course Details:  
Course Duration: 16 hours, 34 minutes
No. of Students Enrolled: 42,035
Cost of the Course: $94.99
Course Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Website: Visit Us


4. Build Full-stack React Native Apps with Express.js Backend from Udemy


Understanding that the development of apps with native react has exploded, this course gathers all the necessities needed to start. You’ll start with the basics and supplement your understanding through the use of hands-on projects. By the time you’re finished with this course, you will have four different mobile apps of distinctive types under your belt to add to your portfolio.


Top Features:


  • Learn how to build cross-platform apps that match today’s agile environment
  • Work with backend and APIs for a deeper understanding of application development
  • Deploy your apps to a variety of app stores




Obot Kingsley

Obot is a Software Engineer that’s into automation. Apart from his time unlocking the answers to complex issues, he loves to impart knowledge to those wanting to break into the field. It is his goal to empower anyone passionate about programming to take their skills to the next level and keep breaking the molds of outdated development.


Course Details:  
Course Duration: 14 hours, 54 minutes
No. of Students Enrolled: 621
Cost of the Course: $29.99
Course Level: Intermediate
Website: Visit Us

5. Become A React Developer from Udacity


This course was made for developers that are excited and ready to go, embarking on their journey into React Native programming. Learners get to work with application interfaces and understand the differences between iOS and Android application development. Of course, as with all Udacity nanodegrees, learners are provided with hands-on projects to take their learning to the next level.


Top Features:


  • Learn the fundamentals of React components and use them to build strong foundations for your knowledge
  • Work with app states and learn how to manage them even at enterprise-levels
  • Understand how development with React is different with iOS and Android devices




Andrew Wong

Andrew has been teaching learners how to code for years. It is his goal to give all those who wish the power to confidently code and solve the complex issues of tomorrow.


Tyler McGinnis

Tyler is a Google Developer Expert and has worked both in the field and as an instructor throughout his professional career. He’s behind the React newsletter from React Utah and former instructor at DevMountain.


Richard Kalehoff

Richard has done it all when it comes to developing. From working with non-profits and startups throughout his career, he’s developed a love for spreading knowledge and helping people learn and industries soar with help of development.


Course Details:  
Course Duration: 16 hours (4 months at 10 hours/ week)
No. of Students Enrolled: 700
Cost of the Course: $359/month or $996 for 4 months
Course Level: Intermediate
Website: Visit Us


6. Introduction to React Native – Multiplatform Mobile from Coursera


This course is all about developing cross-platform apps with native iOS and Android. Included is a look at UI development and see differences in types of layouts and how they enhance overall application programming performance.


Top Features:


  • Learn the basics and more, gathering enough information to break into the field fast
  • See how React native can be used in the development of all kinds of apps using all kinds of languages
  • Get a glimpse at true cross-platform development and how to design architectures for complicated environments




Jogesh K. Muppala

Jogesh has taught several courses on programming and development over the years. As a graduate of Computer Science and Engineering, he has chosen the path to teach and helped more than 400,000 students learn the basics of native development.


Course Details:  
Course Duration: 251 minutes
No. of Students Enrolled: 58,520
Cost of the Course: Free Enrollment $39/month
Course Level: Intermediate
Website: Visit Us


7. React Native: Building Mobile Apps from LinkedIn


Companies across all kinds of industries use the help of React native for the development of applications. Understanding the basics and taking your knowledge further, you could be behind the development of complex applications used by some of today’s top tech companies in the world.


Top Features:


  • Learn how to develop mobile applications for both iOS and Android using React native
  • Get a glimpse of what it takes to break into the industry
  • Practice along with your instructor as he leads you step by step through some of the most complex ideas



Steven Emmerich

Steven is a full-stack developer and engineer with tons of industry experience building web applications. His passion is video game development, which he uses as a way to teach complicated and interesting topics within the development. He’s passionate about teaching others the tricks of the trade and hopes to continue to educate aspiring developers.


Course Details:  
Course Duration: 120minutes
No. of Students Enrolled: 11,692
Cost of the Course: $30
Course Level: Intermediate
Website: Visit Us


8. Master React Native Animations from Udemy


Among many things that are important to development, animations are one of them, adding to user experience. This course teaches learners how to use a combination of React Native and Animated libraries to make their application visions become a reality.


Top Features:


  • Take your Native skills up a notch with advanced topics including animation
  • Go from basic animation to more complex ideas that will help in the development of complex and sophisticated application experiences
  • Rebuild custom animations to increase your understanding, walking away with real experience




Jason Brown

Jason knows React Native inside out. He’s not only built apps but, taught so many others how to do the same thing. There is not quite any application he cannot build and loves to step up to the challenge when it comes to solving complex issues in development.


Course Details:  
Course Duration: 8 hours, 23 minutes
No. of Students Enrolled: 4,297
Cost of the Course: $99.99
Course Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Website: Visit Us


9. Fastlane for React Native: Deploy your own App Anonymously from Udemy


In just 6 lectures, you’ll learn how to speed up application development and deployment process. This course is all about how to make life easier, taking advantage of automated programming and features that work with developers, not against them. Dive deep into programming, and leave prepared for your first day on the job.


Top Features:


  • Learn how to deploy apps in top app stores in just a few clicks
  • Kick up your development speeds with help from useful methods and techniques
  • Land jobs with top-notch companies and help them take their applications to the next level




Cory McAboy

Cory is an app developer that has worked with several technology companies. He’s worked with several languages and applications, taking them apart and building them up to understand them from the outside-in. Throughout the course, he’ll act as your guide into application development and share both experiences with each and every learner.


Course Details:  
Course Duration: 2 hours, 14 minutes
No. of Students Enrolled: 835
Cost of the Course: $39.99
Course Level: Intermediate
Website: Visit Us


10.React Naïve components from Coursera


From coding on the web to creating web applications this course covers it all. Learners will get an understanding of what it takes to create a truly native experience while working with naïve components. From intermediate to more advanced skills, learners will have all they need for development with react.


Top Features:


  • Start with an intro to hybrid mobile applications
  • Explore several features with react native to help start mobile app development
  • Get practice with different exercises that you can do on your own or with the instructor




Jogesh Muppala

You can find Jogesh teaching several programming concepts in the world of application development. He’s taught almost 500,000 students throughout his career, gearing them up for the fast-paced world of application development.


Course Details:  
Course Duration: 14 hours
No. of Students Enrolled: 59,000
Cost of the Course: Free Enrollment $39/month
Course Level: Intermediate
Website: Visit Us


To Sum It All Up

React Native is an awesome framework and the key to breaking into several of today’s top tech industries. Choosing any one of our top 10 best React Native courses, you’ll have what you need to start developing and keep growing your skills to infinity and beyond.


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