10 Best Coursera Courses

10 Best Coursera Courses
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Coursera is a world-famous renowned online learning platform that was founded in 2010. Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller are Stanford Computer Science professors, who had founded Coursera. Coursera is the most reputable and renowned website that offers credible and informative courses on various subjects. The platform offers the M-O-O-C (Massive Open Online Courses), specializations and degree programs of the most reputable universities of the world.

One of the most interesting things about Coursera is that its most M-O-O-C is available for all students. It brings its platform to the students who cannot afford to learn. Financial aid is also available on the Coursera. Those students, who can afford, can pay for the certificates and earn a certificate. Few Coursera courses also offer the “honors” certificates to the non-paying students. All in all, Coursera is the most equitable online learning platform.

Here are the top 10 courses of the Coursera in 2020:

1. Google IT Support –Offered by Google –Coursera

This is an excellent course offered by Google and Coursera that can be a Launchpad for you in the IT field.  This course has been developed for giving comprehensive training to the students for 3-6 months. In this period, the students become capable of launching themselves in the IT field.

Best Features of the Course:

  • This is a 5-Course program, prepared by Google and Coursera. It mainly aims at launching you in the IT field.
  • It equips the students with amazing IT skills such as binary code, Linux, Customer Support, Ipv4, Domain Name System (DNS), Directory Service, Linux File System, Network Model, PowerShell, Troubleshooting, etc.
  • At the end of the course, you will earn the 4 college credits that are equivalent to 4 associate degree-level courses.

Instructor of the Course:


  • Grow with Google:

Grow with Google is an initiative of Google that helps businesses and people in growing.


Course Details
Course Duration: 6 Months
No. of Students Enrolled: 264, 640 Students

Price of the Course:

Enroll For Free

Financial Aid Available

$49 Certificate Fee

Levels of Course: Beginner Level


2. The Science of Well-being – Yale University – Coursera

This course has been offered by the University of Yale and Coursera. In this modern and technological world, we have lost ourselves to digital “happiness”. Likes, Shares, and Digital Updates have become our sources of happiness. This course lets you see how you can make yourself “truly” happy and develop positive habits over time. This is a unique course that targets your “humanistic” side.

Best Features of the Course:

·         The professor of the course helps you in recognizing the misconceptions regarding happiness. He leads you to uncover unique patterns of mind that make you understand why you think the way you think.

·         The course will help you in incorporating elements in your life that will increase your happiness and excitement.

·         You will learn about a few types of research that will let you uncover the happiness in your life.

Instructor of the Course:

·         Laurie Santos:

She is one of the top instructors of Coursera. She is a professor of Psychology at the University of Yale.

Course Details
Course Duration: 04 Weeks
No. of Students Enrolled: 538, 849 Students

Price of the Course:

Enroll For Free

Financial Aid Available

$49 Certificate Fee

Ratings: 4.9 Stars
Levels of Course: Intermediate Level


3. Python For Everybody – University of Michigan – Coursera

This program has been offered by the University of Michigan at Coursera. This program is designed to give valuable knowledge for programming and analyzing data with the help of the Python language.

Best Features of the Course:

  • In this course, you will be able to learn to analyze, gather, clean, and visualize the data with the help of the Python programming language.
  • The course will instruct you to install and write your first program.
  • You will be taught to retrieve, store, and calculate the information.
  • You will be using the core programming tools such as loops and functions for the analysis of the data.
  • This course will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to the Python programming language.

Instructor of the Course:

  • Charles Russel Severance

He is one of the top instructors at Coursera. He is a clinical professor at the University of Michigan.

Course Details
Course Duration: 08 Months
No. of Students Enrolled: 623, 325 Students

Price of the Course:

7-Day Free Trial

Financial Aid Available

$49 Certificate Fee

Ratings: 4.8 Stars
Levels of Course: Intermediate Level


4. IBM Data Science Professional Certificate –Offered by IBM – Coursera

This is an excellent course that helps you in initiating your career in Data Science. This course is a platform that will give you a comprehensive introduction to the Data Science, and make you acquainted with its various aspects most efficiently.

Best Features of the Course:

  • You will be taught to create and have access to the database instance on the cloud.
  • The instructor will teach you to write basic SQL statements such as SELECT, UPDATE, CREATE, DELETE, DROP, etc.
  • You will learn to sort, filter, utilize built-in functions, group, and access the multiple tables.
  • The course teaches students to access databases from Jupiter using the Python programming languages.
  • During the course, you will gain hands-on experience by working with real-world databases.

Instructor of the Course:

  • Alex Alekson

He is a data scientist and holds a Ph. D. in the field.

  • Romeo Kienzler

He is the chief data scientist. He is the Course lead.

  • Polong Lin

He is the Data Scientist.

  • Joseph Santarcangelo

He is the Data Scientist at IBM.

  • Saeed Aghabozorgi

He is the Senior Data Scientist. He holds a Ph. D in the field.

  • Svetlana Levitan

He is the Senior Developer Advocate for Open Data and AI Technologies at IBM.

  • Rav Ahuja

He is the Data Science and AI Program Director at IBM.

Course Details
Course Duration: 04 Courses
No. of Students Enrolled: 186, 876 Students

Price of the Course:

7-Day Free Trial

Financial Aid Available

$49 Certificate Fee

Ratings: 4.6 Stars
Levels of Course: Beginner Level

5. Machine Learning – Offered by Stanford University– Coursera

Machine Learning has gained prominence in the IT field. Machine Learning is the study of making computers act without explicitly programming them.

Best Features of the Course:

  • The program provides a comprehensive introduction to Machine learning.
  • Supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and best practices in Machine Learning are taught to the students.
  • The course also teaches you to draw numerous applications and case studies so that you can apply your knowledge to learning algorithms so that you can learn to build the robots.

Instructors of the Course:

  • Andrew Ng

He is the co-founder of Coursera and the top instructor of the Coursera. He is also CEO and founder of the Landing AI. He is also Adjunct Professor at Stanford University.


Course Details
Course Duration: 54 Hours To Complete
No. of Students Enrolled: 3, 369, 494 Students

Price of the Course:

Enroll For Free

Financial Aid Available

$49 Certificate Fee

Ratings: 4.9 Stars
Levels of Course: Beginner Level


6. AI for Everyone – Offered by DeepLearningAI – Coursera


This is one of the most amazing and equitable courses that is inclusive of everyone. The course is designed in a non-technical and non-scientific way so that people, belonging to other fields, can learning the AI as well.

Best Features of the Course:

  • The purpose of the course is to impart the AI to the people having zero background knowledge of the AI.
  • The students will be taught the meaning of AI terminology, machine learning, deep learning, and data science.
  • Students will learn the realistic applications of AI.
  • You will be given effective knowledge regarding the social and ethical discussion of the AI.

Instructor of the Course:

  • Andrew Ng

He is the co-founder of Coursera and the top instructor of the Coursera. He is also CEO and founder of the Landing AI. He is also Adjunct Professor at Stanford University.


Course Details
Course Duration: 06 Hours To Complete
No. of Students Enrolled: 436, 318 Students

Price of the Course:

Enroll For Free

Financial Aid Available

$49 Certificate Fee

Ratings: 4.8 Stars
Levels of Course: Beginner Level

7. Deep Learning – Offered by Deep Learning AI – Coursera

This is the most interesting course that helps you in breaking into the AI. This course teaches you to deep learning skills and expertise in the most efficient manner.

Best Features of the Course:

  • This is a specialization course that consists of the 05 courses. The 5 courses are aimed at building a good foundational base so that you can enter the deep learning field and master it.
  • You will be taught to build the neural networks and lead the most successful Machine Learning projects.
  • The course will teach you regarding the Adam, Dropout, Convolutional networks, RNNs, LSTM, BatchNorm, Xavier/He initialization, and more.

Instructor of the Course:

  • Andrew Ng

He is the co-founder of Coursera and the top instructor of the Coursera. He is also CEO and founder of the Landing AI. He is also Adjunct Professor at Stanford University.

  • Kian Katanforoosh

He is the lecturer of Computer Science at Stanford University. He is the Head Teaching Assistant in this specialization course. He is also a top instructor at Coursera.

  • Younes Bensuda Mouri

He is a lecturer at the Mathematical and Computational Science at Stanford University. He is also a top instructor at Coursera.

Course Details
Course Duration: 04 Months To Complete
No. of Students Enrolled: 417, 748 Students

Price of the Course:

Enroll For Free

Financial Aid Available

$49 Certificate Fee

Ratings: 4.8 Stars
Levels of Course: Intermediate Level


8. Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

This is an exciting course that aims at changing your perspectives regarding learning. The course provides you with skills that enhance your learning skills.

Best Features of the Course:

  • The students are taught regarding the functioning of the brain in connection with the learning.
  • The course will teach students the invaluable learning techniques that are used by experts in various fields.
  • The course also covers topics such as illusions of learning, procrastination, and best practices of learning.

Instructor of the Course:


  • Barbara Oakley

She is the top instructor at the Coursera. She is a professor of engineering and Industrial and Systems engineering at Oakland University.

  • Terrence Sejnowski

He is a professor at the Salk Institute for biological studies.

Course Details
Course Duration: 15 Hours To Complete
No. of Students Enrolled: 2, 381, 473 Students

Price of the Course:

Enroll For Free

Financial Aid Available

$49 Certificate Fee

Ratings: 4.8 Stars
Levels of Course: Intermediate Level


9. Financial Markets Certificate –Yale University – Coursera

This course is aimed at providing an overview of the methods, institutions, and ideas for teaching the rules and regulations of the financial markets of human societies. The course effectively teaches you to manage the risks and foster enterprise.

Best Features of the Course:

  • The course discusses behavioral finances in great detail.
  • The course introduces you to the risks of the real-world financial markets.
  • The ultimate course of the financial markets is the construction of equitable and beneficial financial markets that help humanity.

Instructors of the Course:


·         Robert Shiller

He is the Professor of Economics at Yale University

Course Details
Course Duration: 11 Months To Complete
No. of Students Enrolled: 324, 636 Students

Price of the Course:

Enroll For Free

Financial Aid Available

$49 Certificate Fee

Ratings: 4.5 Stars
Levels of Course: Intermediate Level


10. Social Norms, Social Change – Offered by University of Pennsylvania Unicef – Coursera

This is a sociological course. The course discusses the two most important topics of Sociology. Social norms and social change are the constant truth of our society. The course defines them and equips you with a good perspective regarding social norms and social change.

Best Features of the Course:

  • The course effectively teaches you to recognize the social norms and distinguish them from other social constructs such as conventions and customs etc.
  • The course is aimed at imparting you these distinctions so that effective policies are formulated and bad social norms are eliminated from society.
  • Social psychology is covered in this course.

Instructor of the Course:

  • Cristina Bichhieri

She is a professor of Social Thought and Comparative Ethics atthe University of Pennsylvania.

Course Details
Course Duration: 10 Hours To Complete
No. of Students Enrolled: 81, 188 Students

Price of the Course:

Enroll For Free

Financial Aid Available

$49 Certificate Fee

Ratings: 4.5 Stars
Levels of Course: Beginner Level



These are the top 10 courses of Coursera that effectively teach the students in detail. The courses have been designed to disseminate the knowledge to the students who cannot afford to learn. Financial Aids are given to the students, and students work hard to make a good future for them.


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