Advantages and disadvantages of “useRef”

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“useRef” is a React Hook that provides a way to store mutable values that persist across renders without triggering a re-render. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of using useRef:


Persistence: “useRef” allows the value to persist across renders without causing a re-render. This is useful for storing mutable values that need to be accessed or modified by different components without triggering a re-render.

Performance: Since “useRef” doesn’t trigger a re-render, it can help improve the performance of your application by reducing unnecessary re-renders.


function Component() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const prevCountRef = useRef();

useEffect(() => {
prevCountRef.current = count;

const prevCount = prevCountRef.current;

return (

Current count: {count}

Previous count: {prevCount}

In this example, “prevCountRef” is used to preserve the previous value of “count” between renders.
Accessing DOM nodes: “useRef” can be used to access DOM nodes or elements, which is often necessary when working with libraries that manipulate the DOM directly.


function Component() {
const inputRef = useRef();

const handleClick = () => {

return (


In this example, “inputRef” is used to get a reference to the input element. The “handleClick” function is used to focus the input element when the button is clicked.

Caching expensive computations: “useRef” can also be used to cache expensive computations, which can help improve performance by avoiding recomputing the same value multiple times.


Overuse: “useRef” should be used sparingly, as overusing it can lead to hard-to-debug code. It’s best to use “useRef” only when necessary, and to rely on React’s state and props system for most use cases.

Mutability: The use of “useRef” can introduce mutability into your code, which can make it harder to reason about and lead to bugs if not used carefully.


function Component() {
const countRef = useRef(0);

const handleClick = () => {
countRef.current += 1;

return (

Current count: {countRef.current}


In this example, “countRef” is used to maintain the count. However, since the value of “countRef.current” is being mutated directly, React won’t trigger a re-render when the count changes. This can lead to unexpected behavior. To fix this, you should use “useState” instead of “useRef”

Not reactive: Since “useRef” doesn’t trigger a re-render, it can make it harder to reason about the state of your application, especially when working with complex or dynamic data.

Can cause stale data: “useRef” values are only updated when the component is re-rendered, so there is a risk of stale data if the value is not updated correctly.

Overall, “useRef” is a powerful tool, but should be used with care. It’s best to use “useRef “when you need to preserve a value between renders or when you need to access a DOM node.


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