numpy.hstack () function with example in python

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numpy.hstack: This function Stack arrays in sequence horizontally (column wise).

syntax: numpy.hstack(tup)

This is equivalent to concatenation along the second axis, except for 1-D arrays where it concatenates along the first axis. Rebuilds arrays divided by hsplit.

This function makes most sense for arrays with up to 3 dimensions. For instance, for pixel-data with a height (first axis), width (second axis), and r/g/b channels (third axis). The functions concatenate, stack and block provide more general stacking and concatenation operations.

tup : sequence of ndarrays
The arrays must have the same shape along all but the second axis, except 1-D arrays which can be any length.

stacked : ndarray
The array formed by stacking the given arrays.

import numpy as np x=np.array([1,2,3,4,5]) y= np.array([6,7,8,9,10]) z=np.hstack((x, y)) print(z)


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