30 Cassandra Interview Questions and Answers

30 Cassandra Interview Questions and Answers
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Here are best Cassandra Interview Questions and answers for freshers and experienced.

1) What do you understand by Cassandra?
2) What are the main benefits of using Cassandra?
3) What do you mean by Tunable Consistency?
4) Can you Explain the concept of compaction in Cassandra.
5) Can you Explain the concept of Cassandra Data Model?
6) Discuss the precautions that are needed to take care while adding a column?
7) What do you understand by the Super Column in Cassandra?
8) Differentiate between the terms: node, a cluster, and data center in Cassandra?
9) What do you mean by Column Family?
10) What do you mean by SS Table and explain how it is different from the other original tables?
11) Elucidate the concept of CAP theorem?
12) Explain what do you understand by Cassandra- CQL collections?
13) Explain the Memtable in Cassandra?
14) What is the procedure of data storage in Cassandra?
15) Describe the different consistency levels for read operation in Cassandra?
16) Is it possible to add or delete Column Families in a working group?
17) Discuss and explain the various types of Practitioners in Cassandra?
18) Give the differences between the different types of Primary Keys in Cassandra?
19) .What do you understand by Logging in Cassandra?
20) What are different logging levels in Cassandra?
21) What do you understand by the term Snitch in Cassandra? Give some example.
22) What is the differences between cassandra vs mongodb?
23) What is the differences between cassandra vs mysql?
24) What is the differences between cassandra vs sql?
25) What is the differences between cassandra vs redis?
26) What is the differences between cassandra vs hadoop?
27) What is the differences between cassandra vs postgreesql?
28) What is the differences between cassandra vs elasticsearch?
29) What are the bigcompanies using cassandra ?
30) What are the disadvantages of cassandra ?


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